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Activity 2.3 Multimedia Reflection Megan Kolotyluk.

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1 Activity 2.3 Multimedia Reflection Megan Kolotyluk

2 The start of Megan Kolotyluk on Twitter

3 The progress of Megan Kolotyluk’s Twitter

4 George Couros @gcouros My decision to follow George Couros was an easy choice. He is an advocate for technology and has a passion for educations. Being a 21 st Century educator, I think it is important to connect with others who have the same passion as you and to obtain knowledgeable information about technology. He shares great ideas that I can incorporate into my teaching.

5 BrainPOP @brainpop I was very excited to have followed BrainPOP. It is a wonderful technological tool with an abundant amount of content based activities for students to be actively engaged. Not only is it useful inside the classroom but also after school hours as well. Since children actively participate with technology in their daily life, it is wonderful to have a site that is knowledgeable yet entertaining.

6 Edutopia @edutopia Edutopia is a great tool for new and experienced teachers. The information that they share are things that are going to improve your TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge). Knowledge that is tried and true, to better your students learning.

7 I believe it is very important to stay technologically connected, especially in this ever changing world. Making connections is key to not only improve yourself as an educator but also for ones PLN. I have connected with various people in the educational field that will hopefully broaden my knowledge and outlook to create a better learning environment for my students. Being able to “favorite” ideas through Twitter that benefit myself as a teacher it’s a wonderful tool. It is easily accessible for myself and others to share and collaborate.

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