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Magoffin County High School. The Magoffin County Underage Drinking Prevention Program asked all students to wear the color red to school on Thursday,

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Presentation on theme: "Magoffin County High School. The Magoffin County Underage Drinking Prevention Program asked all students to wear the color red to school on Thursday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magoffin County High School

2 The Magoffin County Underage Drinking Prevention Program asked all students to wear the color red to school on Thursday, April 21, 2016 in order to show their support for stopping underage drinking.

3 The Magoffin County High School UDPP printed their first poster and created their own logo to hang in the school for upcoming day.

4 A member of the program committee is seen here researching facts about underage drinking to prepare for the UDPP Day at school.

5 There was a booth set up in the cafeteria where students could show their support by signing a pledge to not drink on prom night.

6 Brochures with statistics were passed out to students in order to help them understand the consequences of underage drinking.

7 Members of the program were at this throughout the three high school lunches to make sure every student had a chance to see what the program is all about.

8 60 people signed the pledge to not drink after prom the following weekend.

9 After a student signed a pledge, their name was entered in a drawing to receive a gift card to a local Mexican restaurant, flower shop, and hair salon.

10 Students that wore red to school had the opportunity to write their name down for the drawing as well. In total, nine certificates were in the drawing.

11 A survey was also passed to every classroom with questions that were to be answered anonymously about underage drinking. There were five questions on the survey which were answered with a yes or no.

12 Question #1

13 Question #2

14 Question #3

15 Question #4

16 Question #5

17 Flyers containing facts and information most teens do not know about underage drinking were taped to the walls in the school hallways.

18 Students stopped in between classes to read the facts on the flyers in the hallways.

19 The program committee with fellow classmates posed in the cafeteria while holding these posters to express to other students that it is possible to have fun without drinking.

20 The Underage Drinking Prevention Program Day at Magoffin County High School was a success and most students felt that were more aware of the consequences of underage drinking.

21 The students involved in this program want to thank MiHacienda of Salyersville, Town and Country Flowers, and Kait’s Kuts and Kurls for donating the gift certificates that were passed out.

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