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Summer 2016Course Outline.  Develops academic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills  Divided into two major strands—speaking & listening and.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer 2016Course Outline.  Develops academic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills  Divided into two major strands—speaking & listening and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer 2016Course Outline

2  Develops academic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills  Divided into two major strands—speaking & listening and reading & writing  Learner-centered classrooms  Classroom tasks are integrated and aimed at promoting specific language skills  Credit Course

3 Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:  develop reading skills and critically analyze reading texts  write academic essays such as argumentative, cause and effect, and response following basic academic formats  deliver impromptu and rehearsed presentations  participate effectively as a team member in group work and share constructive feedback  acquire note-taking and active listening skills

4  Students have to maintain 70% attendance in each and every component of the course. Attendance will be counted till the last class of the 10 th week.  Students are not allowed to enter the class after 10 minutes.  If any student fails to attend the final exam due to any reason, he may be allowed to attend a makeup final exam after completing formalities as per University rules. Moreover, the student has to attend the makeup final exam before the publication of the result of that same semester.

5  If any student fails to attend classes due to physical illness or any unavoidable circumstances, then she/he must submit an application immediately to the course teacher stating the situation with medical reports approved by BRACU medical officer and a guardian’s signature. However, this application will not be taken for excusing the absence; it is for keeping record.  For the two group presentations average marks will be taken. Marks will be given individually for the group presentations. P OLICIES AND O BLIGATIONS

6  Students found guilty of plagiarism will face serious consequences.  Students will be asked to maintain a portfolio for their Writing and Speaking classes where they will preserve their class work and homework for the whole semester.  There will be no make-up exam for the quizzes. Average of two quizzes will be counted for the final marks. P OLICIES AND O BLIGATIONS

7  Marks will be deducted for late submission of all given assignments.  No change will be permitted in the Final Presentation Schedule.  If any student fails to sit for the Midterm/Final exam OR Final Speaking Presentation, she/he will end up getting F in the final grade. P OLICIES AND O BLIGATIONS

8 Distribution of Marks RReading and Writing70% QQuiz 1 & 2 (Average)10% AAssignment (Response Paper) 10 % MMid Term Exam20% FFinal Exam30% SSpeaking & Listening25% MMidterm (Speaking Test)6 % GGroup Presentation & Debate(Average)6 % RResearch Writing5 % FFinal Presentation (Individual)8 % attendance, Participation & Portfolio5%

9 90 – 100 = A (4.0) Excellent 85 - < 90 = A- (3.7) 80 - < 85 = B+ (3.3) 75 - < 80 = B (3.0) Good 70 - < 75 = B- (2.7) 65 - < 70 = C+ (2.3) 60 - < 65 = C (2.0) Fair 57 - < 60 = C- (1.7) 55 - < 57 = D+ (1.3) 52 - < 55 = D (1.0) Poor 50 - < 52 = D- (0.7) < 50 = F (0.0) Fail

10 Thank You! Contact me: EEffat Hyder e BBRAC Institute of Languages (BIL) (14 th Floor) BBRAC University

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