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Your love, oh Lord Reaches to the heavens Your faithfulness stretches to the sky Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains Your justice flows like.

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Presentation on theme: "Your love, oh Lord Reaches to the heavens Your faithfulness stretches to the sky Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains Your justice flows like."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your love, oh Lord Reaches to the heavens Your faithfulness stretches to the sky Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains Your justice flows like the ocean's tide Your Love Oh Lord

2 I will lift my voice To worship You, my King I will find my strength In the shadow of your wings

3 Your love, oh Lord Reaches to the heavens Your faithfulness stretches to the sky Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains Your justice flows like the ocean's tide

4 In the quiet In the stillness I know that You are God In the secret of Your presence I know there I am restored When You call i won't refuse Each new day again I'll choose None But Jesus

5 There is no one else for me None but Jesus Crucified to set me free Now I live to bring Him praise

6 In the chaos in confusion I know You're sovereign still In the moment of my weakness You give me grace to do Your will When You call I won't delay This my song through all my days

7 All my delight is in You Lord All of my hope All of my strength All my delight is in You Lord Forever more

8 We Are Hungry lyrics Lord, I want more of You Living Water, rain down on me Lord, I need more of You Living Breath of life, come and fill me up

9 We are hungry We are hungry for more of You We are thirsty, Oh Jesus We are thirsty for more of You

10 With All I Am Into Your hands I commit again With all I am, for You, Lord You hold my world In the palm of Your hand And I am Yours forever

11 Jesus I believe in You Jesus I belong to You You’re the reason that I live The reason that I sing With all I am

12 I’ll walk with You Wherever You go Through tears and joy I’ll trust in You And I will live In all of Your ways And Your promises, forever

13 I will worship I will worship You

14 Famous One You are the Lord The famous one Famous one Great is your name In all the earth The heavens declare You're glorious, glorious Great is your fame Beyond the earth

15 You are the Lord The famous one Famous one Great is your name In all the earth The heavens declare You're glorious, glorious Great is your fame Beyond the earth

16 And for all you've done And yet to do With every breath I'm praising you Desire of nations And every heart You alone are God

17 The morning star Is shining through And every eye Is watching you Revealed by nature And miracles You are beautiful

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