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Stained Glass Windows Cathedral Windows. Stained Glass windows Stained glass windows are admired for both utility and beauty In Europe, the art of stained.

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Presentation on theme: "Stained Glass Windows Cathedral Windows. Stained Glass windows Stained glass windows are admired for both utility and beauty In Europe, the art of stained."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stained Glass Windows Cathedral Windows

2 Stained Glass windows Stained glass windows are admired for both utility and beauty In Europe, the art of stained glass reached its height between 1150 and 1500

3 Story telling Stained glass windows in cathedrals tell the stories from the bible

4 Story telling


6 Rose window in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

7 The South Rose Window was a gift from the king Saint Louis. It was designed by Jean de Chelles and Pierre de Montreuil. The first construction master, laid the first stone in 1258. Like its north sister, the South Rose Window reached 12.90 meters in diameter and, if you include its bay, a total height of nearly 19 meters.

8 Rose window in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris This rosette is dedicated to the New Testament. It has eighty-four panes divided into four circles.

9 Biography ticle448

10 Requirements for stained glass window Complete in the “window” of your sketchbook Illustrate a story- can be about people, fable, fairy tail, nursery rhyme etc. Must show FORMAL balance! Sharpie lines for the “lead” of the window- there should be lines to break up all of the lines of color Can use flat color

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