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A Great Place: HR Redesign Project Senior Leadership Retreat June 24, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "A Great Place: HR Redesign Project Senior Leadership Retreat June 24, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Great Place: HR Redesign Project Senior Leadership Retreat June 24, 2016

2 Rationale Align VCU’s human capital with the University’s mission, core values, and strategic direction to attract and retain those who foster a vibrant learning and scholarly community and who influence change in a dynamic organizational culture; Enhance the quality of service provided to students and faculty by focusing the individual and collective potential of the University’s workforce on strategic priorities; Hire and keep highly qualified talent in a very competitive market by being a Great Place to Work, where faculty and staff can do meaningful work, a place of opportunity, where success is supported and careers thrive; and Modernize out-dated HR practices, support growth in research, and reduce legal liabilities.

3 Scope Design and implement a new HR plan that attracts and retains the talent necessary to achieve the University’s strategic goals. Current StateFuture State Classified StaffA&P FacultyVCU The State of Virginia HR system, derived from Federal Civil Service System of 1883 Category stretched, often force-fit, around Teaching & Research Faculty policies A customized plan aligned to the University’s strategic vision Inflexible, rules-basedIndividually determinedFlexible Legislatively ControlledPolicy vacuumResponsive to Higher Ed RigidInconsistentState-of-the-art

4 Approach The HR Redesign Project has two dimensions PROGRAMMATICSTRATEGIC Respond to the employees’ and the University’s needs to modernize HR practices aka “Great Place Initiative” Align the University’s workforce with its strategic priorities and build connections to strengthen the University community  Career and professional development  Career advancement and promotional opportunities  Leadership development  Mentoring and networking  Compensation/Leave/Benefits  Reward and recognition  Cascade goals and shared values from organization to school/unit to individual ; Assess accomplishments and behaviors through meaningful performance evaluation; Reward & recognize through pay for performance  Create “career communities” across the University bringing together like minded practitioners to share knowledge, promote innovation, increase competence and to enhance networking, mentoring, and leadership opportunities

5 What Could Change? Stay Same? Could ChangeCould Stay the Same Market-based Salary Ranges Virginia Retirement System Merit-based Salary IncreasesOptional Retirement Plan Flexible Career PathsWorker’s Compensation Meaningful Performance EvaluationHealth, Life, and Disability Insurance Career Development Programs Rights to progressive discipline and due process Promotional Opportunities State employee grievance procedure Mentoring/Networking Layoff & Severance Leave/Benefits

6 Steering Committee Membership: President’s Office Human Resources University Relations General Counsel Technology Services VP Finance & VP Administration Provost Office Project Governance Structure Executive Sponsors (Cabinet) Advisory Committee (Constituency Representatives) Performance Mgt Career Development Leadership/Mgt Development Policy tbd HR Partners Steering Committee Project Office Advisory Committee Membership: Deans Representatives Academic Dept Head, Chair, or Faculty Supervisor Administrative Director/Manager Faculty Senate Staff Senate Equity & Access Inclusive Excellence HR Partners from Schools/Units 6 Technology Team I

7 Timeline HR Redesign Project Policy and Programs Start Up 3/1/16- 3/30/16 Research and Design 4/1/16 – 2/28/17 University Review Process 3/1/17 – 5/31/17 Board Approval 5/17 Finalize Policies and Procedures 6/1/17 – 12/31/17 Enrollment 1/1/18 – 3/31/18 Review, Revise, Refine 4/1/18 --- Project Mgt Implementation 4/1/16 – 12/31/17 Plan, Communicate, Engage 4/1/16 - 3/31/18 Go Live Effective Date 01/01/18 Launch 3/1/16 New Hires 7/1/16

8 Aligning Human Resources with our Strategic Priorities

9 2013 Survey says… Opportunity for Improvement: Rewards and Recognition ItemStaffA & P FacultyT & R Faculty Pay is competitive2.672.842.49 VCU does a good job recognizing good performance 2.973.012.77 Evaluations provide fair & accurate assessment 3.573.433.22 9

10 2013 Survey says… Opportunity for Improvement: Opportunities & Support for Development and Advancement ItemStaffA & P FacultyT & R Faculty Have good opportunities for career advancement 2.992.962.91 Receive effective mentoring3.273.172.99 Evaluations provide fair & accurate assessment 3.573.433.22 10

11 So Now What?

12 The Key to Effective Cascading Goals: S pecific M easurable A chievable R esults-focused T ime-bound

13 Cascading Organizational Goals: Example University: Quest Theme II: Attain distinction as a fully integrated urban, public research university through contributions in human health, research scholarship and creative expression that advance knowledge and enhance the quality of life. Strategic Priority: Increase interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and inter-professional education, scholarship and practice among arts, humanities and sciences Division: OVPRI Partner with faculty in all Schools and departments to facilitate the acquisition of funds as they seek funding, plan studies, establish collaborations, calculate budgets, submit grant applications, negotiate industry contracts, and secure patents and licensing agreements. Department/Team: Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Facilitate the submission and processing of compliant research proposals and receive awards from all sources in support of the research mission of the University 1.Provide information and resources to assist faculty in submitting proposals that are in compliance with all internal and external requirements. 2.Process all compliant proposals. 3.Mediate the grant process. 4.Accept awards and assure they are administered consistently with Sponsor and University policies. Individual: Contract & Grant Administrator 1.Provide administrative and technical guidance and support to faculty and staff seeking outside funding for research, public service and special sponsored institutional projects. 2.Ensure accurate financial reporting and procedural compliance on all grants. 13 LevelGoal

14 Assignment: Please identify the managers within your organization who will be expected to participate in the leadership development training. Name: _________________________ Title: __________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone: ________________________ Name: _________________________ Title: __________________________ Email: _________________________ Phone: ________________________

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