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Legislative Requirement 2013 House File 215. Category Cut Scores Based on a Normal Distribution across Measures.

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Presentation on theme: "Legislative Requirement 2013 House File 215. Category Cut Scores Based on a Normal Distribution across Measures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legislative Requirement 2013 House File 215

2 Category Cut Scores Based on a Normal Distribution across Measures

3 Percent of Schools in Each Category Exceptional3% of schools High-Performing12% of schools Commendable35% of schools Acceptable35% of Schools Needs Improvement12% of schools Priority3% of schools A high level view of student performance across multiple measures to determine an overall performance rating Two years of data More stable indicator

4 Educational Measures and Their Weights MeasuresHigh School (9-12) Middle School (6-8) Elementary School (PK-5) Proficiency22.2%25.0%28.6% Closing Achievement Gap 22.2%25.0%28.6% College & Career Ready Growth 11.1%12.5%14.3% Annual Expected Growth 11.1%12.5%14.3% College and Career Readiness 11.1%12.5%N/A Graduation Rate11.1%N/A Attendance5.6%6.3%7.1% Staff Retention5.6%6.3%7.1% Total100.0%

5 Cut Points for Each Category CategoryHigh SchoolsMiddle SchoolsElementary Schools Exceptional 75.0 and above 71.0 and above 79.0 and above High Performing70.0 to 74.968.0 to 70.973.0 to 78.9 Commendable65.4 to 69.964.0 to 67.9 67.0 to 72.9 Acceptable60.0 to 65.357.0 to 63.9 61.0 to 66.9 Needs Improvement56.0 to 59.953.0 to 56.955.0 to 60.0 Priority55.9 and below52.9 and below54.9 and below

6 Educational Measures Proficiency Percent of students scoring proficient on the Iowa Assessment Across reading and math Across two school years College and Career Readiness Growth Based on a national standard score needed to reach college/career readiness by 12 grade (306) 5 th grade student NSS of 220 Needs a 306 in 12 grade 306-220 = 86 across 7 years = 12.3 NSS units that year Recalculated every year If a student is already CCR they count FAY students for two years

7 Educational Measures Annual Expected Growth using NSS units FAY students for two years GradeReadingMath 3 rd to 4 th 15 4 th to 5 th 14 5 th to 6 th 13 6 th to 7 th 12 8 th to 8 th 11 8 th to 9 th 10 9 th to 10 th 88 10 th to 11 th 77

8 Educational Measures Closing the Achievement Gap Score Grade 3-8 and 10-11 used to compute an achievement gap score Iowa Assessments Notice in this example the gap decreased by 5% A T-scale score is calculated from the percentage Group Percent Proficient 2013-2014 math and reading combined Percent Proficient 2014-2015 math and reading combined ELL, IEP and/or students receiving FRL 60.0%65.0% All other students75.0% GAP15.0%10.0%

9 Educational Measures College and Career Readiness The percent of students that are at or above a college readiness benchmark on the Iowa Assessments in reading and math 2 years of data CCR means the acquisition of knowledge and skills a student needs to enroll and succeed in credit bearing first year courses at a postsecondary institution without the need for remediation Grade 5-11 = 75 NPR ACT Cut Scores in Reading = 22 and Math = 22 that represent CCR

10 Graduation Rate The percent of students who complete high school in 5 Year Years A two year composite score is used

11 Attendance The average daily attendance rate of students The aggregate days of student attendance (days present) in the school or school district divided by the aggregate days of enrollment Across two years

12 Staff Retention The percent of licensed staff who are retained All licensed staff members except nurses and coaches Only full time staff members are retained in the base year Retirements, move outs of state, or staff dismissals are all treated the same Fall Basic Educational Data Survey (BEDS) Staff Collection Additional School Report Measures to come Parental Involvement Community Activities and Involvement

13 Connection between State Report Card and Differentiated Accountability None This is a stand alone School Report Card to fulfill HF 215

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