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Menands Union Free School District 2016-2017 Budget Workshop April 19, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Menands Union Free School District 2016-2017 Budget Workshop April 19, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Menands Union Free School District 2016-2017 Budget Workshop April 19, 2016

2 Budget Reminders  We will budget from the perspective of what we know to be true in the present moment.

3 Changes Since We Last Met  Expense Adjustments  Estimated 2016-17 Health Care Increases  Drafted BOCES Final Service Request  Adjustments to final State Aid Runs based on real time information

4 Where we are to date - Expenses Expenses2015-2016 December Projection February 8 Projection February 22 Projection March 14 Projection April 8 Projection Difference To-Date Instructional Salaries$2,399,668$2,317,281$2,341,606 $2,361,578($38,090) Non-Instruct Salaries$467,112$356,731 $431,731$414,627($52,485) Health Buyout$0$98,000 Contractual$1,059,089$1,126,589 $67,500 Tuition - High School$1,361,980$1,432,716$1,332,716 ($29,264) Tuition - Charter$96,720$129,760 $33,040 Tuition - Special Ed$720,000 $620,000 ($100,000) BOCES$420,201$525,000 $426,464$446,140($25,939) ERS$95,000$65,000 ($30,000) TRS$310,000$300,000 ($10,000) Transfer - Cafeteria$40,000$35,000 ($5,000) Carryover from 2015-16$1,386,290 $1,409,826$1,407,026 Budget Proposal#1$8,306,605$8,356,060$49,455 Budget Proposal#2$8,306,605$8,492,367$185,762 Budget Proposal#3$8,306,605$8,316,692$10,087 Budget Proposal#4$8,306,605$8,316,692$10,087 Budget Proposal#5$8,336,436$29,831

5 A Look at Revenue REVENUE2015-162016-17 Real Property Taxes $ 6,381,215 $ 6,419,213Tax Cap $ 37,998 Interest/Earnings $ 3,000 $ 1,000 $ (2,000) Rent Real Property $ 300 $ - $ (300) Commisions $ 1,150 $ - Refunds Prior Yr Exp $ 80,000 $ - Gifts/Donations $ 500 $ - State Aid $ 920,440 $ 851,472Estimate $ (68,968) BOCES Aid $ 100,000 $ 130,704Estimate $ 30,704 Medicaid $ - $ 12,000Estimate $ 12,000 $ - Sub Total $ 7,486,605 $ 7,496,039 $ 9,434 Fund Balance $ 820,000 $ 840,397Additional FB $ 20,397 TOTAL $ 8,306,605 $ 8,336,436 $ 29,831

6 As Proposed:  Increases current Instructional staffing  Restores PE to 2.0 FTE  Maintains Embedded Staff Developer  Includes provision of Social Work Services  Stays within the tax cap (0.60%)  Increases allocation of Fund Balance

7 Considerations Before the Board  Option #1: Move ahead with the budget as proposed knowing it requires an additional allocation of Fund Balance in the amount of $20,397 and keeps us within the cap.  Option #2: Consider reductions in the proposed spending to eliminate the increased Fund Balance allocation and keeps us within the cap.  Option #3: Move ahead with the budget as proposed, and maintain current Fund Balance allocation, and exceed the cap.

8 What could Option #2 look like ? Possible reductions:  Reconsider the PE restoration  Reduce allocations in contractual codes which support professional development  Reduce or eliminate the proposed Social Work support

9 What could Option #3 look like ?  It would maintain Fund Balance at current levels  It would exceed the cap (0.60 % to 0.92%)  It would require passage by a supermajority of the voters  It would eliminate the possibility of a rebate

10 Considerations Before the Board  Option #1: Move ahead with the budget as proposed knowing it requires an additional allocation of Fund Balance in the amount of $20,397 and keeps us within the cap.  Option #2: Consider reductions in the proposed spending to eliminate the increased Fund Balance allocation and keeps us within the cap.  Option #3: Move ahead with the budget as proposed, and maintain current Fund Balance allocation, and exceed the cap.

11 Questions & Discussion Resolution: Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the proposed 2016 – 2017 budget in the amount of $______________.

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