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8 th Grade Science 8/27/12. New seating charts Wait quietly and patiently until you get your new seat.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Grade Science 8/27/12. New seating charts Wait quietly and patiently until you get your new seat."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Grade Science 8/27/12

2 New seating charts Wait quietly and patiently until you get your new seat

3 Warm-up Each person needs to grab a textbook and open to section one Get a worksheet from the front desk that says “section one reinforcement what is science?” and begin working on this individually

4 Announcements Today is a work day. Each person will be called up individually to speak with me about missing work and collect papers that need to be handed back When you are finished with the “What is science?” worksheet, begin reading section two, “doing science”

5 8 th Grade Science 8/28/12

6 Warm-up

7 Today, you will start thinking like a scientist We are going to go outside and observe a specific spot Your job is to make observations about your designated area Inferences Draw, measure, collect data based on exactly what you observe Some form of data table You will be given either a string or hula hoop Bring a notebook and pencil Outside/inside behavior

8 8 th grade science 8/29/12

9 Warm-up Grab a worksheet from the front that says “Doing Science” at the top and begin working on this

10 What is scientific method? Scientists work to solve problems Scientists use steps in all investigations Scientists must first identify the problem

11 What is scientific method? 2 methods to solving problems Descriptive research Experimental research design

12 What is scientific method? Descriptive research- answers scientific questions through observations Experimental research design-used to answer scientific questions by testing a hypothesis through the use of controlled steps Scientific methods are steps to follow to try to solve problems


14 Scientific Method You will create your own scientific method flow chart These will be graded on your comparison between your example and the flow chart and your presentation Begin brainstorming a scenario you can apply to the scientific method flowchart


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