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Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy

2 Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy

3 Bernalillo/Valencia/Sandoval/Santa Fe 1,000,000 1,634,000 population by 2035 State of NM > 3,000,000 2010

4 Regional Growth… Bernalillo/Valencia/Sandoval/Santa Fe +389,000 Population increase 1985-2010 +634,000 Projected population increase 2010-2035 +453,000 75% of the regional growth 2010 – 713,590 2035 – Bernalillo County 1,166,590

5 Economic Stress: Growth Water Land use Transportation Energy

6 As Performing Electric: 424,937 kWh CO2:919,295 lbs (11 lbs. per sf) If Built per Code* Electric: 790,658 kWh CO2:1,673,881 lbs (19 lbs. per sf) Saves 222,300 gallons of water/year from plumbing fixtures Saves 413,000 gallons of water/year based on electricity savings (NM electricity production consumes 1.13 gallons of water to produce 1kWh of electricity) Reduction of CO2 by 342 metric tons per year LEED-CS

7 Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy

8 Jobs to Housing Balance? Mid-Region Council of Governments of New Mexico 2008 = 0.63 2035 = 0.56 2008 = 1.61 2035 = 1.54 One Million Daily River Crossings in 2035! WestEast New pop 437,572 124,265 New jobs 98,930 90,798


10 Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy

11 Link Between… Live Work Time Play Smart Growth Mixed-Use Higher Density Transit Oriented Development Smart Growth Mixed-Use Higher Density Transit Oriented Development Most Cost Effective Policies for Stopping Climate Change Smart Growth/Land Use Cost: - $1.11 per ton. Encouraging smart growth planning to reduce sprawl and maximize open space protection, like siting development near transit hubs. 24/7

12 Higher Density Mixed-Use development... drives transit...reduces VMT...reduces GHG... reduces impervious surface... reduces landscape area per unit... reduces fixture counts per unit... uses less buildings use less energy

13 Density

14 Water Transit Density Energy Land < < < <

15 DensityWater < ABQ Uptown

16 Water Use: Average per unit use Multi-Family = 126 Gallons per Day Single Family = 270 Gallons per Day ABQ Uptown = 70 Gallons per Day Data Source: ABCWUA

17 Water Footprint: 201 Units @ 1.7 = 344 people 137 Units @ 2.5 = 344 people

18 The Challenge… Adapt Change Evolve






24 Providing a balance…

25 Economic Stress: Growth Water Land Use Transportation Energy

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