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How to help your child be successful in Kindergarten! Mrs. Sweeney Mrs. Matthews Kindergarten.

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1 How to help your child be successful in Kindergarten! Mrs. Sweeney Mrs. Matthews Kindergarten

2 Daily Routine It is important to develop a daily routine at home. This will help build consistency and it will help your child move through their daily routine at school. Snack is an important part of our daily routine. It is not a problem if you can not donate snack, but please let us know ahead of time so that we can be prepared. Please send in coffee filters when you send in snack.

3 Sight Words Sight words are assigned weekly for homework. There will be 10 each week, except for review weeks. Your child is expected to study their words nightly. They are tested each week, and the words that they master are highlighted. These weekly scores do not transfer to the quarterly assessments. Quarterly Goals o 1 – 55; 2 – 110; 3 – 165; 4 - 220

4 Behavior There are very specific rules, procedures, and consequences that we teach in Kindergarten. These rules and procedures set the tone for their entire school career. If your child comes home on any color except green, please talk with them and discuss ways that they could avoid those situations in the future. Above all, help your child to take responsibility for their actions! I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY DAY!

5 Daily Notebook Please check daily. It is a communication tool between parents and teachers. Please remind your child it is not a toy to play with (They like to take it apart in morning assembly.). Agendas need to be signed and returned each day. Homework stays in front pocket. Items to be kept at home will be in back pocket. Zipper pouch is for money. Please make sure it is in a sealed envelope that is labeled with child’s name, teacher’s name, and what the money is for on the outside. If you have a transportation change, please send a note in the daily notebook.

6 Pack Facts Pack facts will be sent home every Tuesday unless it is a Progress Report or Report Card week. These may come home on a day other than Tuesday. Please sign and return the pack facts the next day. Take the papers out and keep at home unless otherwise stated.

7 Homework Please complete nightly with your child. Please turn it in on Friday. Remember, you are setting the tone for the importance of showing responsibility and doing homework that they will remember throughout their school career. Ask yourself: ”What do I want their homework experience to be like when they are in high school?” If you don’t find it important, they won’t either.

8 Money Zipper pouch is for money. Please make sure it is in a sealed envelope that is labeled with child’s name, teacher’s name, and what the money is for on the outside. Please do not send in loose cash for any reason. It can get lost or stolen.

9 Lunch Room You are more than welcome to come and eat lunch with your child. The school rule is that you sit at the parent table, and please obey the café rules. If you choose to send in a lunch from home, please try to make it as healthy as possible. Please limit the amount of sweets that are included in their lunch. Ice cream is sold for $0.75 on Fridays. The opportunity to buy ice cream is a privilege; therefore, your child must be on green to buy ice cream. Please send in the ice cream money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on it and “ice cream” unless you have let the cafeteria staff know that it is ok for your child to purchase ice cream.

10 Common Core For more information on the Common Core State Curriculum, please see the following website:

11 Any Questions?

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