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The Equations of Motion Euler angle rate equations:

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1 The Equations of Motion Euler angle rate equations:


3 Sensors Acceleration Measurement ADXL105EM-3 (Triple axis accelerometer) Range = ± 4g Sensitivity ~ 500mv/g Operating Voltage = 5 V DC Rate Measurement Microgyro 100 (Dual axis rate gyroscope) Range = ± 100°/sec Sensitivity = 1.1 x 10 -3 mV/ degree / sec Operating Voltage = 5 V DC

4 Electronics TFX -11 (DATA LOGGER AND ADC) 12 bit ADC Non-Hold and Sample type 11 12-bit channels and 8 8-bit channels Operation Voltage = 0~5 V 24 Digital I/O ports 512 K Data storage memory (SFLASH) Other Electronics Used Salen-Key Filter (Low Pass) - 5 Hz Non-Inverting Amplifier to increase sensitivity of rate gyros

5 INS System Description Accelerometer Gyroscope Salen-Key filterAmplifier 12 bit ADC Data logger ( TFX-11) Integration Routines Trajectory

6 Sensitivities, Ranges and Calibrations Acceleration Measurement Sensitivity : - 1 g corresponds to around 500 mV ± 4g is mapped 0.5 ~ 4.5 V (for mean = 2.5 V) Rate Measurement Sensitivity : - 1 degree/sec corresponds to 1.1 mV ± 100°/sec is mapped to a band of 220 mV about mean Operable region by data logger constraint = 0 ~ +5 V

7 INPUTS ax, ay, az p, q, r Sensor Model Quantization and resolution error simulation. Noise Model Integration Routines Calibration Mean by Averaging Stationary data Trajectory

8 Effect of Resolution Amplification of rates = 20 Amplification of accel. = 1 All the parameters set to 0

9 Amplification of rate sensor signals by around 20.  Amplification of rate sensor signals by around 20.  Amplification of accelerometer signal by around 2.5  Increasing resolution of ADC from 12-bit to 16-bit

10 Stepping down to zero. Can it be done accurately? Amplification. Will it add noise? Possibility of alteration of accelerometer range online. Other problems or aspects.

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