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Minority Serving Institutions’ Faculty Evaluation Initiative 2009 AEA National Conference Orlando, Florida.

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1 Minority Serving Institutions’ Faculty Evaluation Initiative 2009 AEA National Conference Orlando, Florida

2 The American Evaluation Associations’ Minority Serving Institutions Faculty Initiative 2010 Meeting and Pre-Institute Workshop June 13, 2010 AEA/CDC Evaluation Summer Institute The Crowne Plaza Atlanta Perimeter

3 MEETING AGENDA 9:00 am Welcome ………….. Kevin E. Favor, Ph.D., Chair Lincoln University MSI Faculty Initiative : Purpose, Expectations, and Commitment 9:30 am Reflections upon Math Offerings within MSIs: A Call to Action Presented by Nicole Stephens, Ph.D. Lincoln University 10:30 am Refreshment Break 10:45 am The University Counseling Center: A Collaborative Effort Presented by Marie Hammond, Ph.D. & James McDonald, Ph.D. Tennessee State University 11:30 am Open Discussion 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Workshop – In-Depth Qualitative Data Analysis for Proposal Development Conducted by Dr. Angelicque Tucker Blackmon, President and CEO of Innovative Learning Concepts 4:00 pm Adjournment

4 WELCOME Background: The Building Diversity Initiative included the following recommendation: Work with Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and Tribal Institutions to increase the profile of evaluation as a career choice and to support the creation of evaluation training courses and programs. The overall purpose of the initiative is to increase the representation of faculty from under-represented groups in the field and the organization. Broadening their understanding of evaluation of as profession Strengthening their knowledge of evaluation theory and methods Using this recommendation as a launching point, for the past three years (2005-2007) the National Science Foundation (NSF) and AEA have worked together to help faculty at MSIs to: 1.enhance the evaluation curriculum in their departments; 2.orient students to evaluation as a career/profession; 3.disseminate information about evaluation and AEA to colleagues; and 4.expand their knowledge of evaluation.

5 Evaluation: Five key questions will drive the program evaluation: 1.What has changed at MSIs in terms of training, curriculum, and programs as an outcome of the program? 2.What has changed in terms of the skills and knowledge of evaluation faculty at MSIs as an outcome of the program? 3.What has changed in terms of the skills and knowledge of students at MSIs as an outcome of the program? 4.What has changed in terms of MSI faculty and student representation at AEA programs and among the AEA membership as an outcome of the program? 5.How may we improve the program for future cohorts?

6 Goals: This program is developed in pursuit of the following five strategic goals. Goal 1.2 Knowledge Dissemination: Improve access to, and the relevance, value, and use of, the field’s knowledge base. The MSI program fosters access to the field’s knowledge base through acquainting MSI faculty with knowledge resources for their own use and for use by their students. To date, 30 MSI faculty have received journals and other materials from AEA and NSF. They have shared their knowledge and expertise with the broader community through presentations at both AEA and APA national conferences with at least 4 anticipated as presenters in Denver.

7 Goal 2.1 Public Awareness: Enhance awareness of (a) the usefulness of evaluation to improve policies, programs, personnel, practices, and processes; (b) the evaluation profession; and (c) AEA itself. The MSI program fosters awareness of the evaluation, the profession, and AEA among MSI faculty and students. To date, 30 MSI faculty who had not before participated in the association or conference have received training and materials through the MSI program. In addition, dissemination of participant materials at the home institutions has added another 6 faculty and 9 students as conference attendees.

8 Goal 3.1 Inclusiveness and Understanding: Promote and nurture an inclusive, diverse and globally aware field and association. The MSI program promotes and nurtures an inclusive and diverse association through building a network of MSI evaluation faculty and expanding the presence of minority educators and evaluators within the field and association. To date, 10 of the 20 members of the first two cohorts have maintained membership with AEA and attended the 2007 conference without funding from either AEA or NSF.

9 Goal 3.2 Networking and Collaboration: Facilitate peer-to-peer networking, exchange, learning, and collaboration, as well as the inter-organizational context for community building. The MSI program builds networks and encourages collaboration among MSI faculty and between MSI faculty and other AEA members. MSI faculty in the program to date have participates in collaborative development of curriculum materials and presentations at multiple events including AEA, AERA, and APA.

10 Goal 3.3 Equity and Engagement: Enhance the pipelines and pathways to participation and leadership in AEA and the recognition of leaders in the field and the association. The MSI program encourages participation and leadership in the association through its TIGs and committees and through presenting on the conference program.

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