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Using the CAS Standards for Program Assessment & Strategic Planning Marybeth Drechsler Sharp Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the CAS Standards for Program Assessment & Strategic Planning Marybeth Drechsler Sharp Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the CAS Standards for Program Assessment & Strategic Planning Marybeth Drechsler Sharp Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) Timothy A. Reed Virginia Commonwealth University Presented by

2 Learning Outcomes Participants will be able to: Describe the CAS standards Describe how the CAS Standards can be used for program assessment Describe how the CAS Standards can be used for strategic planning 2

3 Quick Poll Have you used the CAS Standards before? 3

4 Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education Founded in 1979 Promotion of standards in higher education Promotion of self-assessment in educational practice Consortium of 39 member organizations CAS Board of Directors comprised of representatives from member associations Consensus-oriented, collaborative approach 43 standards and self-assessment guides (SAGs) 4

5 New/Revised Standards in 8 th Edition Campus Information and Visitor Services Campus Police and Security Programs Career Services Conference & Events Programs Counseling Services Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs LGBT Programs and Services Parent and Family Programs Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Prevention Programs Transfer Student Programs and Services Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services Veterans and Military Programs and Services 5

6 Revised in 2013 Alcohol and Other Drug Programs Disability Resources and Services Housing and Residence Life Programs Master’s Level Student Affairs Preparation Programs 6

7 Under Revision Academic Advising Programs Campus Media Programs College Honor Societies Commuter & Off-Campus Living Programs Education Abroad Programs Financial Aid General Standards Orientation Programs Service Learning Programs Student Conduct Programs Women Student Programs 7

8 General Standards Mission Program Organization and Leadership Human Resources Ethics Law, Policy and Governance Diversity, Equity, and Access Institutional and External Relations Financial Resources Technology Facilities and Equipment Assessment and Evaluation 8

9 Standards and Guidelines 9 Understanding Standards & Guidelines StandardsIndispensible requirements Achievable by any & all programs of quality Appear in bold typeUse must & shall GuidelinesClarify & amplify Standards Guide enhanced practice beyond essential function Appear in light-faced typeUse verbs should & may

10 Program Learning and Development Outcome Domains & Dimensions Six Student Learning & Development Outcome Domains are a part of the CAS General Standards Stated expectation in the CAS General Standards that all functional area programs must place emphasis on identifying relevant learning outcomes and assessing their achievement by students

11 Program Learning and Development Outcome Domains & Dimensions Knowledge acquisition, integration, construction, and application – Dimensions: understanding knowledge from a range of disciplines; connecting knowledge to other knowledge, ideas, and experiences; constructing knowledge; and relating knowledge to daily life Cognitive complexity – Dimensions: critical thinking; reflective thinking; effective reasoning; and creativity Intrapersonal development – Dimensions: realistic self-appraisal, self-understanding, and self-respect; identity development; commitment to ethics and integrity; and spiritual awareness 11

12 Program Learning and Development Outcome Domains & Dimensions Interpersonal competence – Dimensions: meaningful relationships; interdependence; collaboration; and effective leadership Humanitarianism and civic engagement – Dimensions: understanding and appreciation of cultural and human differences; social responsibility; global perspective; and sense of civic responsibility Practical competence – Dimensions: pursuing goals; communicating effectively; technical competence; managing personal affairs; managing career development; demonstrating professionalism; maintaining health and wellness; and living a purposeful and satisfying life 12

13 Applications for Standards: How do campuses use results? Measure program and service effectiveness Enhance institutional self-studies Prepare for accreditation Design new programs and services Devise staff development Establish credibility and accountability Inform budget allocation Guide strategic planning 13

14 Applications for Standards: How do departments use results? Provide suggestions for communicating with students, faculty, staff, parents, etc. Identify better uses for funds Help to focus where time, energy, and resources should go Consider what are the essential, non-negotiable functions for the department Consider what are the secondary functions for the department Shape professional and student staff training (e.g., what is covered at training, skills needed to be effective) 14

15 Adapting CAS for your Environment CAS Standards and self-study processes provide for flexibility (even within the same campus) Some considerations for using CAS to fit your culture and environment: – Institutional Size – Institutional Type – Cross-functional areas – Multiple Sites 15

16 What is a SAG?

17 CAS Evaluation Steps Assemble Team 3-5 (program) to 8-10 (division) comprised of stakeholders including students Complete a Report and an Action Plan What would be necessary to meet standards Educate Team Self-assessment concepts & principles Prepare a Descriptive Report Document how well the standards are met Compile & Review Evidence & Conduct Rating Self-assessment guides (SAG) Close the Loop Implement the changes. 17

18 Sample Timeline Timeline from the Virginia Commonwealth University 2010 CAS Review Process By Feb 16: Team Selection Feb 22-26: Team Training Mar 1 - 31: Compile and Review Documentary Evidence Apr 1 – 30:Judging Performance June 15:Final Reports Due 18

19 VCU Team Selection Identify an individual to coordinate the self-assessment process Identify and invite members of the institutional community [e.g., professional staff members, faculty members, and students] to participate As a group, the review team should examine the standards carefully before implementing the study Teams will have 5 members – Team Leader will be assigned according to Assessment Area – 1 USC&A staff member – 1 student – 1 academic – 1 staff from outside DSA/ES

20 Program Development Example Campus Activities Example: “CAP must be comprehensive and reflect and promote the diversity of student interests and needs, allowing especially for the achievement of a sense of self-esteem and community pride.” How can a department assess this standard? How does the department measure the involvement of underrepresented populations in both the student programmers and attendees of programs? How does the department establish, promote and maintain the concept of “diversity of student interests?” How is community pride measured? How is collective spirit and individual self-esteem defined and measured? What role do students and student leaders have in defining these concepts? 20

21 Program Development Example Student Leadership Programs “SLP must advance student competencies in the categories of a) foundations of leadership, b) personal development, c) interpersonal development, and d) the development of groups, organizations, and systems.” How can a department assess this standard? What theory or theories serve as the foundation for the program? What strategies are used for personal development? What assessments such as Student LPI or StrengthFinders are used? How is the progress or development of student groups measured? 21

22 Judging Performance at VCU Collect and document evidence of program – Use relevant data and related documentation – Routinely to collect and file relevant data that can be used to document program effectiveness over time

23 Documentary evidence to support evaluative judgments Student Recruitment and Marketing Materials: brochures and other sources of information about the program, participation policies and procedures, and reports about program results and participant evaluations Program Documents: mission statements, catalogs, brochures and other related materials, staff and student manuals, policy and procedure statements, evaluation and periodic reports, contracts, and staff memos Institutional Administrative Documents: statements about program purpose and philosophy relative to other educational programs, organizational charts, financial resource statements, student and staff profiles, and assessment reports 23

24 Documentary evidence to support evaluative judgments Research, Assessment, and Evaluation Data: needs assessments, follow-up studies, program evaluations, outcome measures and methodologies, and previous self-study reports Staff Activity Reports: annual reports; staff member vitae; service to departments, colleges, university, and other agencies; evidence of effectiveness; scholarship activities, and contributions to the profession Student Activity Reports: developmental transcripts, portfolios, and other evidence of student contributions to the institution, community, and professional organizations; reports of special student accomplishments; and employer reports on student employment experiences 24

25 VCU Final Steps and Report A two-tiered (individual and group) judgment approach for determining the extent to which the program meets the CAS Standards is suggested – The self-assessment team and, if desired, the functional area staff members individually should rate each criterion measure using separate copies of the CAS Self-Assessment Guide – This individualized rating procedure is then followed by a collective review and analysis of the individual ratings The individual ratings should be reviewed and translated into a collective rating; then the team is ready to move to the interpretation phase of the self-assessment

26 VCU Final Steps and Report Interpretation typically incorporates considerable discussion among team members to assure that all aspects of the program were given fair and impartial consideration prior to a final collective judgment – Persistent disagreements over performance ratings may call for additional data collection – After the team review is completed, a meeting with concerned administrators, staff members, and student leaders should be scheduled for a general review of the self-assessment results – The next step, including discussion of alternative approaches that might be used to strengthen and enhance the program, is to generate steps and activities to be incorporated into an action plan. The Work Forms will guide this process 26

27 Programmatic Action Plan Action Plan includes the following elements: – Actions required for the program to meet all standards – Areas that need follow-up because they are less than satisfactory – Resources necessary for program enhancements – Timeline and deadline – Person responsible for completing the work 27

28 Strategic Action Plan Make CAS part of your strategic planning process – Full review of programs every 3-5 years – Conduct mini-reviews between years; gather information between larger-scale reviews – Use CAS findings and data to inform future strategic planning you do 28

29 Using CAS to start Strategic Planning Cycle CAS Program Review Yr 0-1 Strategic/ Program Action Plan Yr 1 Action Plan Enabled Yr 2-5 Data Gathering Interim Reviews Yr 2-5 Prep for Strat./CAS Program Review Yr 4 29 If a SAP already is in place, then CAS just becomes part of that process Maintaining timely, consistent and accurate data is crucial to having good results

30 Successes and Challenges What have been successes with CAS? What have been challenges with CAS? What advice to you have to using CAS standards? 30

31 Questions/Comments 31

32 For More Information Visit CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education (8th edition) (2012) Individual Functional Area Self-Assessment Guides (SAGs) CD with SAGs and Standards – E-Learning Course on Conducting a Self-Assessment Frameworks for Assessing Learning and Developmental Outcomes (FALDOS) (2006) CAS Statements – Characteristics of Individual Excellence – CAS Statement of Shared Ethics 32

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