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Teacher Notes This painting represents a large portion of a famous mural. Please note that the final portions of the zoom-in include difficult images of.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Notes This painting represents a large portion of a famous mural. Please note that the final portions of the zoom-in include difficult images of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Notes This painting represents a large portion of a famous mural. Please note that the final portions of the zoom-in include difficult images of slavery and of hanging. Please use your professional discretion when implementing this zoom-in. Students should be exposed to famous art, and it is always important to note context and allow for process time.

2 Zoom-In Conflict & Compromise Diego Rivera Angela Orr

3 What do you see in this image? What type of source do you think this is? Are the colors vibrant or dull? Can you make any predictions about what you will see when we zoom out on more of this source?

4 With a partner, list all the details you now see. How would you describe the people and animals? What do you think the artist is depicting in this painting?

5 What new details do you notice? What types of work do you see? How are the animals treated in this picture? What two questions do you have?

6 Describe the new people in the image. What makes them look different than the others in the foreground? How are these people treated differently? What evidence do you have? The man in the gray hooded frock is holding a symbol. What do you think that symbol represents?

7 What do we learn from the details in the full painting? What message do you think the author is trying to convey? What evidence do you have for this?

8 Colonial Domination by Diego Rivera, 1933 Brainstorm a list of all of the areas of this painting that develop the theme of “POWER.”

9 Colonial Domination by Diego Rivera, 1933 Diego Rivera created this mural to summarize over 300 years of Spanish colonial domination over Native Americans in New Spain. He wanted to show the injustices done to Natives and highlight the idea that from the 1500s to the 1700s, the population of Natives fell from 25 million to 1 million people. Some details in this painting include: The cross and priest represent that the Catholic Church wanted to teach Natives about Christianity. Spanish are using branding iron to brand an Indian slave, demonstrating that Indians were seen as property instead of human beings. This also shows in those Natives who are killed and hanging from trees. The labor of working in gold mines was brutal. Natives are yoked to plow and Spaniards have whips. It looks as if the donkeys are treated better than the humans.

10 Who was Diego Rivera? When we source this document, it is important to know a little about the author. If you have time, explore Diego Rivera’s biography and other works. masters/diego-rivera-about-the- artist/64/

11 For more information on the Encomienda system, please read in your textbook pages 148-150. Compare: How can you apply what you read to this mural created several hundred years later? Be specific. Use text evidence from the textbook as well as from the painting in your answer.

12 How do physical geography and natural resources affect the settlement of people and the development of culture? How have conflict, compromise, and cooperation shaped history? What does it mean to be an American? How should individuals exercise rights and responsibilities?

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