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Chapter 27.1 Struggle in Latin America. How could this situation lead to the Mexican Revolution? Holding people in servitude or partial slavery.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 27.1 Struggle in Latin America. How could this situation lead to the Mexican Revolution? Holding people in servitude or partial slavery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 27.1 Struggle in Latin America

2 How could this situation lead to the Mexican Revolution? Holding people in servitude or partial slavery

3 The Big Deal in this chapter…..1911-49 1.Revolutions in Russia, China create the beginnings of superpowers. 2.Mexico, Turkey, Egypt, India too. 3.People like Gandhi, Pancho Villa, Lenin, Mao, and Stalin gain influence. 4.Often those that survive the revolutions find their lives little improved and the govts at least as authoritarian as those they overthrew.

4 Focus Q: May 11 Use your book to find out what 4 countries are in French Indochina. Look up Vietnam War


6 Chapter 27 vocab Haciendas 1Good Neighbor Policy 1 Apartheid 2Negritude Mvmt 2 Reza Khan 2Balfour Declaration2 Ahimsa 3May 4 th Mvmt 4 Mao Zedong 4

7 Latin America is Doing Well 1.Economy booming b/c of exports to industrialized countries 2.Foreign investors controlled many natural resources—wealthy resent this 3.Regardless of the type of govt, military dictators or small groups of wealthy landowners control these countries 4.Middle, lower classes have no say 5.Led to an explosive revolution in Mexico

8 1913: Economic Imperialism?

9 Mexican Revolution 1.1910 Porfirio Diaz had ruled for 35 yrs. 2.Diaz allowed foreign investors to develop mines, RR’s, oil wells 3.Prosperity only benefits a few 4.Most peasants work on **haciendas: plantations controlled by a landowning elite**




13 U. S. Global Investments in 1914

14 Causes of Mexican Revolution 1.peasants—work on haciendas, in factories and mines for low wages 2.**growing middle class want democracy** 3.The elite resent the power of foreign companies.

15 Cause of the MexicanRevolution of 1910? of 1910?

16 Mexican Revolution Begins 1.1910 Francisco Madero demands free elections 2.Rebellions begin throughout Mexico 3.1911 Diaz resigns 4.Fighting rages for over a decade Over 1 million die Results are mixed—reforms were slow to materialize

17 Mexican Revolutionaries Emiliano Zapata Francisco I Madero Madero Venustiano Carranza Porfirio Diaz Pancho Villa

18 Revolution Leads to Change 1.1917 Venustiano Carranza is elected 2.He reluctantly approves a constitution  Includes land, labor reforms  In effect today w/ amendments

19 Constitution of 1917 1.Strengthens govt control over economy 2.Addresses 3 major issues:  Land, labor, and religion

20 Constitution of 1917 Land 1. Oks breakup of large estates 2.Restrictions on foreigners owning land 3.Allowed NATIONALIZATION—govt takeover of natural resources like oil Church **Church land made property of the nation**

21 Constitution of 1917 Labor 1.Minimum wage 2.Workers get right to strike Women 1.Only men can vote, but…. 2.Women get same pay for same work 3.Can sign contracts, sue in court, equal authority in family spending

22 Joke Central…… A priests asks the convicted murderer at the electric chair, "Do you have any last requests?” "Yes," replies the murderer. "Can you please hold my hand?“ What do you call people who use the temperature method of contraception? Parents. Woman at a maternity hospital is in a lot of pain, moaning. The man strokes her back, “I’m so sorry sweetheart that you have to endure this…” “Don’t worry Steve, it’s not your fault.”

23 PRI Controls Mexico 1.Fighting continues on small scale through the 1920s 2.Carranza overthrown in 1920—five presidents from 1920-34 3.**Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) controls politics from 1930s to 2000** Political Party organized by the govt 1929

24 Mexican Revolutionaries Emiliano Zapata Francisco I Madero Madero Venustiano Carranza Porfirio Diaz Pancho Villa

25 Reforms Materialize 1.Mexico is 1 st Latin American country to pursue real social and economic reforms for a majority of its people 2.Indians regain some land that had been taken from them 3.Millions of acres of land distributed to peasants 4.Govt supports labor unions 5.Govt fights illiteracy—sets up schools and libraries

26 Great Depression in Latin America 1.**economic crisis causes people to lose faith in the ideas of liberal govt.** 2.Liberalism—belief in the individual and limited govt was a European theory 3.People in Latin America begin to think it won’t work there 4.Stronger, authoritarian govts rise in Latin America They hope a stronger govt will run the economy better

27 Cultural Nationalism 1.Nationalism—having control over your country—sweeps over Latin America 2.Cultural nationalism—pride in your culture 3.**in the 1920s and 30s an example of cultural nationalism was a revival of mural painting** Major art form of Aztecs, Mayas On public buildings, they show the struggles of the Mexican people for liberty

28 Diego Rivera contemplates the worker

29 The history of Mexico

30 Detroit Institute of Art


32 “The Thinker”

33 Industry—DIA





38 DIA

39 Good Neighbor Policy History 1.During and after WWI, the US increases its investment in Latin America 2.US intervenes militarily when its interests are threatened—hurts Lat. Amer. relations 1914 US attacks Vera Cruz 1916 US Army invades Mexico chasing Pancho Villa Similar stuff in Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia, etc.


41 Good Neighbor Policy 1.**in the 1930s, FDR pledges to reduce US interference in Latin American countries** Brings troops home from Haiti, Nicaragua Lifts Platt Amendment in Cuba Supports Mexico’s nationalization of oil companies 2.Helps improve relations btwn US and Latin America


43 Why go through Panama?


45 27.1 creative side Draw a picture w/ a caption that shows the complaints of peasants, the middle class, and the elite that led to the Mexican Revolution.

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