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Opening M4P Training: November 23 rd -27th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening M4P Training: November 23 rd -27th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening M4P Training: November 23 rd -27th, 2015

2 Training Facilitators Phoebe Owuor Josephine Ngethe Peter Mbiyu

3 Making Markets Work for the Poor  Objectives  Agenda  Methodology  Logistics  Expectations  Champion

4 Training Objectives: Participants will:-  Understand the fundamentals of market facilitation & Market systems  Appreciate the importance of strengthening business linkages and services in market systems.  Acknowledge use of tools for selection, mapping & analysis of market systems  Articulate the key training objectives and place their objectives in the context of the training  Take advantage of learning methods that work for each individual, and be patient while others leverage their preferred methodology  Access supporting training materials through MESPT Website

5 Agenda


7 Creating a Champion: Using the materials available please create and or develop a market System or a chain champion. A champion who will take market systems or value chain to the next levels.

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