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Lesson 9. Test 1 How was the test ? Assignment 1 (must complete satisfactorily even if you do not get any marks for it !!!!!!)

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 9. Test 1 How was the test ? Assignment 1 (must complete satisfactorily even if you do not get any marks for it !!!!!!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 9

2 Test 1 How was the test ? Assignment 1 (must complete satisfactorily even if you do not get any marks for it !!!!!!)

3 Topics Why do I need a frame? Defining your FRAMESET Setting Frame Attributes

4 Frames Frames divide a screen into separate windows and each of these windows can contain an XHTML document. A frameset is a file that specifies how the screen is divided into frames.

5 Frames 1.The frameset page is loaded 2.The browser automatically loads each of the pages associated with the frames. Page with Frames XHTML document with the frameset Normal XHTML doc To be loaded into Frame Normal XHTML doc To be loaded into Frame

6 The ‘*’ is used because certain screens are set to 640 pixels across others to 800 and some to 1024. menucontent Navig.html Page1.html

7 Framesets and Frames Example1  Cols = pixels or %

8 Framesets and Frames Example2 To create a frame document the following three tags are all you need: For frame-capable browsers frame-challenged browsers

9 Framesets and Frames Example3

10 Framesets and Frames Example 4

11 Framesets and Frames Example 5

12 Framesets and Frames Example 6 Note: left column will be twice the size of the right column

13 Framesets and Frames Example 7

14 Frames and Frameborders Example 8 Frameborder attribute can be used to get rid of the border between frames Netscape and Explorer have different ways of handling frames

15 Frames and Frameborders Example 9 Note the IE and NN specifics

16 Frames and Scrolling Example 10

17 Frames and allow resize Example 11

18 Frames and scrolling Example 12

19 Frames and Names Example 13 The name and target attributes in one of the frame tags allows you to reference a particular frame as the location in which to display a hypertext-linked document.

20 Frames and targets Navigation Frame Home poems Sample Table Links

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