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PGES Updates Second Read of PGES KBE meeting April 1 st. Link to materials located herehere Highlights of Changes: Section 1(Definitions):

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Presentation on theme: "PGES Updates Second Read of PGES KBE meeting April 1 st. Link to materials located herehere Highlights of Changes: Section 1(Definitions):"— Presentation transcript:

1 PGES Updates Second Read of PGES Regulation @ KBE meeting April 1 st. Link to materials located herehere Highlights of Changes: Section 1(Definitions): added “other professionals” removed definition of preschool teachers Removed reference to certified administrators Updated SV Survey definition to address Other Professionals

2 Section 2: Timeline 2014-15 – OPGES piloted in all districts 2015-16 – OPGES fully implemented in all districts without personnel decisions or accountability 2016-17 – OPGES, certified administrators and teachers in ATCs fully implemented in all districts with personnel decisions and accountability Sections 3 & 4: No changes Section 5: Local Evaluation Procedures & Forms Removed reference to certified administrator All components of the system may be documented in the system except summative rating shall be documented in the system Allow districts to reduce the minimum number observations of a teacher or other professional evaluatee during the summative cycle for those who do not report for work for 60 or more consecutive days. Require districts to include plan for reduction in their Certified Evaluation Plan.

3 PGES Updates Added the clarifying statement that certified administrators, principals and assistant principals must have the evaluation criteria and process explained to them within the first thirty (30) days of reporting for employment. Section 6: minor wording changes Section 7: Prof. Practice Rating & Student Growth Rating for Teachers & Other Professionals Added clarity around the Professional Practice decision rules serving as the minimum Sections 8 & 9: No changes Section 10: Professional Practice Rating & Overall Student Growth Rating for Principals & Assistants. Added clarity around the Professional Practice decision rules serving as the minimum Sections 11 & 12: No changes Section 13: Evaluation of Certified Administrators at district level New section 13 outlines minimum requirements for evaluation Sections 14-19: Added word “system” for clarity in section 16, line 13

4 Empowering Effective Educators Grant (E3) Application deadline was 4/6/2015 @ 4 p.m. Awards are for the ‘15-’16 year. Purpose: To provide schools with funs to design & implement teacher leadership plan and promote use of highly effective teachers in leadership roles based on school needs. Activities: Use funds to learn about and plan for the implementation of a sustainable and integrated initiative for teachers to understand and take advantage of teacher leader roles Implement new or enhance existing teacher leadership opportunities Work collaboratively with KDE, ESPB, and KEA to learn about effective teacher leadership initiatives, and to develop a plan for implementation that will be enacted during the 2015-16 school year; Collaborate with other participating schools to develop a community of practice for supporting teacher leaders. Share the process of learning about and building teacher leaders, and serve as a spokesperson and model for other schools, districts, and partner agencies.

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