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End of Year LPAC High Schools Presenters:Spring, 2015 Terrie Armstrong Randal Jones Luisa F. Parra Cruz Rochez Nancy Cintron Multilingual Programs Department713-556-6961.

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Presentation on theme: "End of Year LPAC High Schools Presenters:Spring, 2015 Terrie Armstrong Randal Jones Luisa F. Parra Cruz Rochez Nancy Cintron Multilingual Programs Department713-556-6961."— Presentation transcript:

1 End of Year LPAC High Schools Presenters:Spring, 2015 Terrie Armstrong Randal Jones Luisa F. Parra Cruz Rochez Nancy Cintron Multilingual Programs Department713-556-6961 Houston Independent School District 1

2 Before we begin … This information is the latest we have at this time. This information is subject to change by TEA. As HISD receives updates from the TEA, specific details will be communicated to all students and parents/guardians. 2

3 What’s New … New 11 th /12 th grade ELL Exit Criteria All schools will be required to turn-in EOY LPAC Minutes to Luisa Parra in the Multilingual Dept. office by: –June 22, 2015 The same Multilingual staff member that reviewed your MOY LPAC documentation will check your EOY LPAC Multilingual Dept. staff will review all EOY LPAC Documentation – May 26-29, 2015 – June 1-4, 2015 – June 8-11, 2015 3

4 What Continues Streamlined End-of-Year LPAC Procedures: ˉ School database with students who met ELL Exit Criteria ˉ New End-of-Year LPAC Student Profile form (place in ELL Folder ˉ No entry of End of Year LPAC decisions into ELL Folder ˉ Entry of End of Year LPAC decisions in SIS will occur as EOY LPAC Student Profile form is created New Monitored codes M1(Year 1) and M2 (Year 2) 4

5 State Law related to End of Year LPAC Review LPAC Policy & Training for members - Documentation of training covering EOY LPAC functions Annual review of information for ELLs State Criteria for exiting the program- Refer to ELL Exit Criteria Notice to Parent of Student’s Reclassification – Send exit letter to parent and place a copy of signed/dated letter in ELL folder All ELL students must be served in required ESL program 5

6 6 LPAC Decision-Making Process LPACs are responsible for — Following administrative procedures in this guide Making decisions--individual student basis Working as a committee--to make decisions Maintaining required documentation

7 End of Year LPAC Functions/Responsibilities Review every student identified as an English Language Learner (ELL) Review all served ELL students (YE, YX) ˉ Academic Achievement ˉ ELL Exit ˉ ESL Level Review all ELL parent denials (WHs) ˉ Academic Achievement ˉ ELL Exit ˉ ESL Level Review Monitored students (for 2 years) ˉ Academic Achievement 7

8 8 LPACs should carefully review each ELL student to determine if they: – Require linguistic accommodations for STAAR – Some ELLs, who barely pass the STAAR utilizing assessment linguistic accommodations, should not be considered for ELL Exit – ELL Exit will ultimately be a LPAC decision – LPACs should base ELL Exit decisions on the degree of linguistic accommodation required by each student to pass English STAAR Linguistic Accommodations, STAAR Assessment, and ELL Exit

9 ELL Exit Criteria—High School *TELPAS Listening AH (Advanced High) and Speaking AH (Advanced High) or **IPT II FES □Exception: TELPAS Reading Advanced High will be used in 2014–2015 for a student repeating grade 9-10-11 who is a TAKS graduate under state policy. ■ Exception: TELPAS Writing Advanced High will be used in 2014-2015 for students repeating grade 9-10-11 who is a TAKS graduate under state policy. ◊ TAKS (Accommodated) is for some eligible (ELL) students receiving special education services. Students Identified as ELL and Special Education ELL Students with disabilities may be reviewed for exit using the procedure described on the Process for Special Education Exit Flowchart and ELL Exit Log. 9 Grade Listening/Speaking ReadingWriting 9 STAAR TELPAS Listening and Speaking Advanced High or IPT--FES STAAR EOC 10 STAAR TELPAS Listening and Speaking Advanced High or IPT--FES STAAR EOC 11-12 STAAR TELPAS Listening and Speaking Advanced High or IPT--FES NRT (Total Reading/Total Language) 40 th %tile or above TELPAS Advanced High TAKS TELPAS Listening and Speaking Advanced High or IPT--FES TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated) English Language Arts Assessment

10 End of Year--STAAR Graduates 9 th /10 th Grades DateEnd of Year LPAC Activity May 1-15 Review TELPAS Student Rating Roster Form (Listening and Speaking) Advanced High-ELL Exit oral measure Review TELPAS Reading Scores—9-10 th grade students w/Advanced-High TELPAS Reading but not Advanced-High TELPAS Listening and Speaking must be given the IPT oral retest June 1- 4 Hold LPAC meetings (9 th/ 10 th STAAR EOC graduates) review EOC English(I/II) scores Complete High School LPAC Minutes Create Student Profile forms Save information to SIS Place Student Profile forms in ELL Folders 10

11 End of Year--STAAR Graduates 11 th and 12 th Grade DateEnd of Year LPAC Activity May 1-15 Review TELPAS Student Rating Roster Form (Listening, Speaking, and Writing--Advanced High Administer IOWA—NRT test (Total Reading/Language) to ELL 11 th and 12 th graders who have Advanced-High Writing TELPAS (May 11-15, 2015) If students have >40%ile (Total Reading/Language) on IOWA but not Advanced-High Listening and Speaking TELPAS must be given IPT Oral retest May 18-21 Hold LPAC meetings Complete High School LPAC Minutes Create Student Profile forms Save information to SIS Place Student Profile forms in ELL Folders 11

12 End of Year—TAKS Graduates 12 th Grade DateEnd of Year LPAC Activity May 1-15 Review TELPAS Student Rating Roster Form (Listening and Speaking) Advanced-High ELL Exit oral measure May 20-30 Review Exit Level ELA TAKS Retests (March Administration) Review Exit Level ELA TAKS Retests (April Administration) Administer Oral IPT retest to all students who passed TAKS ELA test but did not score Advanced-High on TELPAS Listening and Speaking June 1- 4 Hold LPAC meetings (TAKS graduates) Complete High School LPAC Minutes Create Student Profile forms Save information to SIS Place Student Profile forms in ELL Folders 12

13 Repeating TAKS Graduates 9 th /10 th /11 th Grades DateEnd of Year LPAC Activity May 1-15 Review TELPAS Student Rating Roster Form (Listening and Speaking) Review TELPAS Student Rating Roster Form (Reading and Writing Students who have Advanced-High in TELPAS Reading and Writing but not Advanced-High in TELPAS Listening and Speaking must be given the IPT Oral Retest May 18-21 Hold LPAC meetings (9 th /10 th /11 th grades) Repeating TAKS graduates) Complete High School LPAC Minutes Create Student Profile forms Save information to SIS Place Student Profile forms in ELL Folders 13

14 What Should You Be Doing? It is May 11, 2015, what should you be doing for End of Year LPAC? It is June 3, 2014, what should you be doing for End of Year LPAC? Turn to your neighbor and discuss (refer to slide 7-9) 14

15 ELL Data Report Green—Meets ELL Exit CriteriaYellow—Needs IPT Oral Retest The End of Year Data Report for each school: – Will be loaded onto the Principal’s Dashboard the third week of May, 2015 – Students who meet ELL Exit Criteria will be highlighted in green – Schools will be able to cut/paste the database into the EOY LPAC Minutes template 15

16 End of Year LPAC Student Profile Form Creates a printable report which can be used to inform EOY LPAC decisions Allows LPAC to enter student data used in the review Schools will no longer enter EOY LPAC information in the ELL Folder Data entered will be saved in SIS as the form is created. Schools will place the EOY LPAC Student Profile form in the ELL Folder 16

17 Steps to Create the Student Profile Form Search for the student to be updated. Scroll down to LEP IMM MIG and click on LPAC. The LPAC Information page will open. 17

18 Continue… Under the Actions menu in the menu bar, choose “Add LPAC Meeting Info” 18

19 Continue… A new record will be displayed as shown below. Note the test data included to facilitate the LPAC. Scroll down to view the student’s assessment history The LPAC will determine if each ELL student meets the ELL Exit Criteria. If the student does not meet ELL Exit Criteria, the LPAC chooses the appropriate program placement and ESL instructional level based on each student’s data for the next school year. 19

20 Continue…

21 Continue… Before you save each student’s record print a Student Profile form with signature lines for meeting participants by clicking the (print screen) link at the top of page. Place this form in the student’s ELL Folder 21

22 Continue… After saving the End of Year LPAC record, you should click on LEP. You will see that a new ELL record has been created and dated the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. That means that the new ELL Status/Program Placement will be in effect the first day of the new 2015-2016 school year. 22

23 Did Anna Meet ELL Exit Criteria? Anna is a STAAR Graduate in 10 th Grade. Anna took the STAAR EOC English II and passed Anna took the STAAR EOC Biology Test and passed Anna took the STAAR EOC American History Test and passed Anna was rated Advanced TELPAS Listening Anna was rated Advanced-High TELPAS Speaking Anna scored Advanced-High TELPAS Reading Anna was rated Advanced on TELPAS Writing Anna scored FES on the IPT Oral Retest Did Anna meet ELL Exit Criteria? Discuss with your table 23

24 Did Marco Meet ELL Exit Criteria? Marco is a TAKS graduate in 12 th grade Marco took Exit Level ELA TAKS test and did not pass Marco was rated Advanced-High TELPAS Listening Marco was rated Advanced-High TELPAS Speaking Marco scored Advanced TELPAS Reading Marco was rated Advanced TELPAS Writing Did Marco meet ELL Exit Criteria? Discuss with your table 24

25 Did Juan Meet ELL Exit Criteria? Juan is a STAAR Graduate in 11 th Grade. Juan took the STAAR EOC Algebra Test and passed Juan took the STAAR EOC American History Test and passed Juan was rated Advanced-High TELPAS Listening Juan was rated Advanced-High TELPAS Speaking Juan scored Advanced-High TELPAS Reading Juan was rated Advanced-High on TELPAS Writing Juan scored 39%ile Total Reading and 48%ile Total Language on IOWA Did Juan meet ELL Exit Criteria? Discuss with your table 25

26 Did Jesse Meet ELL Exit Criteria? Jesse is a TAKS graduate in 10 th grade Jesse took the 10 th grade release TAKS ELA test and passed Jesse was rated Advanced-High on TELPAS Listening Jesse was rated Advanced TELPAS Speaking Jesse scored Advanced-High TELPAS Reading Jesse was rated Advanced-High TELPAS Writing Did Jesse meet ELL Exit Criteria? Discuss with your table. Anything wrong? 26

27 If student did meet ELL Exit Criteria… If the student meets ELL exit criteria— – Exit student – Notify the parents of exit/obtain a signed exit letter – Assign to General Ed. class for next year – Recommend participation in other programs – Monitor progress each grading period (2 yrs.) 27

28 Exiting ELL students who also Receive Special Education Services The ARD committee along with the LPAC shall determine: –an appropriate assessment instrument and –performance standard requirement to exit for students for whom the usual tests would be inappropriate as part of the IEP. The decision to exit a ELL student who receives both special education and ESL services is determined by: – ARD Committee –LPAC Committee Refer to “Process for Sp. Ed. /ELL Exit Flowchart” on Multilingual website 28

29 Two-Year Monitoring Period Once exited, ELL students become Non-ELL and should be coded: –Year 1 (M-1) –Year 2 (M-2) The LPAC is required to: –Monitor the progress of exited students for 2 years and –Recommend other intervention/support for exited students who are not achieving academically. –Schools must provide a program of “intensive instruction” for these students. –Document review in the ELL folder and SIS Students who are coded M1 should be coded M1 on CRT answer documents (grades 10 th -12 th ) Students who are coded M2 should be coded M2 on CRT answer documents (grades 10 th -12 th ) 29

30 If student did not meet ELL Exit Criteria… If the student is still ELL (did not meet ELL exit criteria)- Continue in program Assign program for next year ( YE, YX) Determine ESL level for next year –TELPAS composite –Teacher input Recommend participation in other programs as needed Obtain new parent permission letter (if applicable) 30

31 Required ESL Program ESL Program - ESL certified English teacher or English teacher on permit for ESL Certification –Required program for all ELL students in grades 6-12. 31

32 ELL Newcomer Program Model Recommended for High School Course Assignments Preliterate ESL Level P 2 or 3 class periods of ESL, ESOL – One period of English (appropriate for grade & ESL level) One period of ELD One period of ESL reading Content subjects using ESL methods with ESL trained teachers Note – Preliterate ELL students should be scheduled in content subjects designed specifically for ELL students that require little reading to ensure student success, as well as, non-reading electives such as Art, PE, Music... Beginning ESL Level 1 2 class periods of ESL – One period of English (appropriate for grade & ESL level) One period of ELD or ESL reading Content subjects using ESL methods with ESL trained teachers Note – Beginning ELL students should be scheduled in content subjects designed specifically for ELL students that require little reading to ensure student success, as well as, non-reading electives such as Art, PE, Music... Intermediate ESL Level 2 2 class periods of ESL– 1 period of English (appropriate for grade & ESL level) 1 period of ESL reading Content subjects using ESL methods with ESL trained teachers 32

33 ESL Program Model Recommended for High School Course Assignments Advanced ESL Level 3 2 class periods of ESL— 1 period of English (appropriate for grade and ESL level 1 period of ESL reading Content subjects using ESL methods with ESL trained teachers Transitional ESL Level AH 2 class periods of ESL– 1 period of English (appropriate for grade and ESL level) 1 period ESL reading Content subjects (regular ed. program) 33

34 Documentation of LPAC Decisions All LPAC actions/decisions should be documented in 3 places: LPAC Minutes (binder) ELL folders (Student Profile Form) LPAC panel in SIS (entered as Student Profile Form is created) LPAC meetings may not occur before May 1, 2015. 34

35 Creating Unschooled Asylee/Refugee Records in SIS Students must meet 3 criteria: –Have refugee/asylee status (I-94 on file) –Have first entered school in grade 7 or above –Are “unschooled” (as determined by the LPAC) Students must be identified (as ELL) by the LPAC before data is entered in the Unschooled Asylee/Refugee panel Send a copy of all I-94 Refugee documents upon enrollment to: –Attn.--Jessica Hodge--Multilingual Fax #--713-556-6980 35

36 Multilingual Support As support for “Best Practice” ESL Programming for the ELL students, the Multilingual Department staff will: –Visit HISD campuses to review End of Year LPAC Procedures –Check all End of Year documentation during each campus visit to review ELL Exits –Communicate with SSOs and Chiefs concerning individual campus compliance with the state mandated End of Year LPAC Campus visits will be: –May 26-29, 2015 –June 1-4, 2015 –June 8-11, 2015 36

37 Multilingual Contacts Dr. Gracie Guerrero—Assistant Superintendent, Multilingual Programs 37

38 Thank you Presenters:Spring, 2015 Terrie Armstrong Randall Jones Luisa F. Parra Cruz Rochez Multilingual Programs Department 713-556-6961 38

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