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RECRUITMENT. TYPES OF JOBS Full-time job Part-time job Casual worker Put the verbs in the chronological order: lose Get Find an ad→ A JOB Look for Apply.

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Presentation on theme: "RECRUITMENT. TYPES OF JOBS Full-time job Part-time job Casual worker Put the verbs in the chronological order: lose Get Find an ad→ A JOB Look for Apply."— Presentation transcript:


2 TYPES OF JOBS Full-time job Part-time job Casual worker Put the verbs in the chronological order: lose Get Find an ad→ A JOB Look for Apply for

3 Job or work? I have a good___. He is at ____. I have a lot of ____. There is a good ___ ad in the newspaper. I want to finish my ___.

4 Job or work? key I have a good job. He is at work. I have a lot of work. There is a good job ad in the newspaper. I want to finish my work.

5 How many times do you expect to apply for a new position during your career? How many times do you expect to change jobs? Why would anyone hire you?

6 How to find a job?

7 You can find a job through... Job ads in newspapers The Internet Employment agency Career placement offices University careers centers Family Friends What do you have to do when you find a job ad? P 29/ reading, 1

8 How will a company fill a vacancy?

9 HOW DO COMPANIES RECRUIT NEW STAFF? recruit (hire, employ, take on) a new employee. Advertise a vacancy hire an employment agency or headhunters advertise a vacancy on the web page place a job ad in newspapers To hire To employ → A NEW EMPLOYEE To recruit To take on

10 What do companies do when they receive applications? read CVs and application letters check the educational and professional background of applicants shortlist candidates Invite candidates for a job interview tests to assess their intelligence and personality. check the applicants' references Make a final selection

11 Language focus: To apply for a job To fill in an application form To interview applicants

12 What will the company put in a job ad?

13 A job description = duties and responsibilities, job conditions, pay, fringe benefits or perks, A job specification = minimum qualifications (education, training, personal attributes)

14 Salary is good, but I want more! in-house trainings bonus Christmas bonus maternity leave sick leave notice child allowance free meals severance pay Rights or benefits?

15 Job interview useful tips (preparations, clothes, behaviour) Think of possible questions you can be asked in a job interview.

16 You have found an interesting job ad. What do you do next? CV = curriculum vitae (pl. curricula vitae) Or: Resume /résumé + application letter / covering or cover letter + fill in an application form + send out an application form = apply for a job


18 Match the definitions on the left to the words on the right 1.Companies looking for candidates for different jobs 2.To hire 3.Description of your educational background and your experience 4.A form that you have to fill in with your personal data 5.A person who is applying for a job. 6.The opposite of a part-time job 7.A job position on offer A.Applicant B.Resume C.Full-time job D.Vacancy E.Headhunters F.Application form G.Recruit

19 Fill in the missing words. I found an interesting ___ ___ in a local newspaper for the ____ of an office manager. I I decided to ____ ___ that job. I wrote a ____ and a ___ ____ and I also had to ____ ___ the application form. I ___ them ____ to the company. I hope I will get a reply soon.

20 Fill in the missing prepositions We need to fill ____ this vacancy. We are looking ___ a new office manager. You have to apply ____ that job by Friday. You need to fill ___ this application form. I sent ___ the CV and the covering letter.

21 How will a company fill a vacancy? Put the steps in the correct order 1.Interview candidates 2.Make a final selection 3.Shortlist candidates 4.Hire an employment agency or headhunters 5.Establish if there is an internal candidate 6.Advertise a vacancy 7.Follow up the references of applicants 8.Invite shortlisted candidates for an interview 9.Inform all the other candidates that they have been unsuccessful 10.Receive CVs

22 How will a company fill a vacancy? KEY 1.Establish if there is an internal candidate 2.Hire an employment agency or headhunters 3.Advertise a vacancy 4.Receive CVs 5.Shortlist candidates 6.Invite shortlisted candidates for an interview 7.Interview candidates 8.Make a final selection 9.Follow up the references of applicants 10.Inform all the other candidates that they have been unsuccessful

23 Match the words on the right to the words on the left Part-time Employment To fill Job Fill in fringe Reply to Full- duties description job the application form -time job and responsibilities agency a vacancy a job ad benefits

24 Match the words: 1.Fill / Advertise 2.Shortlist 3.Hire 4.make 5.Write 6.Apply 7.Invite A CV / cover letter A vacancy For a job Headhunters A selection Someone for an interview Candidates

25 Match the words: key 1.Fill / Advertise 2.Shortlist 3.Hire 4.make 5.Write 6.Apply 7.invite A.a vacancy B.candidates C.headhunters D.a selection E.a CV / cover letter F.for a job G.Someone for an interview

26 Revision: Translate the following sentences to English On ima puno posla. Ja sam na poslu. Idem na posao svaki dan. On ima honorarni posao. Zaposena sam za stalno. Ima puno oglasa na zavodu za zapošljavanje. Imam dobre uvjete na poslu. Prijavi se na taj posao. Ispuni prijavu za posao. Napiši životopis i popratno pismo. Tražimo novu tajnicu. Moramo zaposliti 5 novih ljudi.

27 Useful web pages: plyjob/menu.php plyjob/exercise3.html...

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