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3 100 200 400 300 400 A BCD 300 200 400 200 100 500 100 200 300 400 E 100 500 200 300 400 F 100 500 200 300 400 G 100 500

4 Row 1, Col 1 Helpful variations accumulate among surviving members of the species? How does natural selection lead to evolution?

5 3,1 Overproduction A species creating more offspring than can possible survive.

6 4,1 The marbled murrelet would go extinct. The marbled murrelet, an ENDANGERED seabird in California,is dependent upon sequoia forests and trees for survival. What might happen to the marbled murrelet population if the sequoia population went extinct. ?

7 5,1 Only traits that are controlled by genes can be acted on by natural selection. What is the role of genes in evolution?

8 1,2 Variations Differences between members of the same species are called?

9 2,2 Changed over time. Darwin concluded that organisms on the Galapagos Island had…..

10 3,2 Evolution The gradual change in a species over time is called?

11 4,2 Their beaks were adaptations related to the foods the finches ate. What did Darwin observe about finches in the Galapagos Islands?

12 5,2 Evolution The gradual change in a species over time is called?

13 1,3 A small number of different plant and animal species had come to the Galapagos Islands from the mainland. What did Darwin infer from his observations of organisms in South America and the Galapagos Islands?

14 2,3 A group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring. What is a species?

15 Genus name and species name. An organism’s scientific name consists of ? 3,3

16 4,3 So they are easier to study. Why do scientists organize living things into groups?

17 5,3 Taxonomy The scientific study of how living things are classified is?

18 1,4 The species inherited many of the same genes from a common ancestor. Why do scientists think related species have similar body structures and development patterns?

19 2,4 Determine the evolutionary relationships among species. Scientists combine evidence from fossils, body structures, early development, DNA, and protein structures to?

20 3,4 Branching tree A diagram showing how scientists think different groups of organisms are related.

21 4,4 A group is separated from the rest of the species. What is one of the main ways a new species forms?

22 5,4 Only hard parts are usually preserved. Why would a worm, jellyfish or a leaf not become a fossil?

23 1,5 Petrified. What kind of fossil has minerals replacing all or part of an organism?

24 2,5 Minerals replace all or part of an organism. How do most fossils form?

25 3,6 Domain In the modern classification system used by biologist, the broadest level of organization is called?

26 4,5 Evolved from a common ancestor. If two organisms look very similar during their early stages of development, this is evidence that the organisms

27 5,5 Homologous structure Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor?

28 1,6 Fossils The preserved remains or traces of organisms that lived in the past.

29 2,6 Genes The only traits that can be acted upon by natural selection are those controlled by

30 4,6 Genus The scientific names of the puma (Felis concolor), house cat (Felis domesticus) indicate that they all belong to the same.

31 1,7 Carrolus Linneaus Who developed a naming system that grouped organisms on the basis of their observable features?

32 2,7 Adaptation The harmless viceroy butterfly looks like the poisonous monarch butterfly. This ___________enables the viceroy butterfly to survive.

33 4,7 Sedimentary Most fossils are found in what kind of rock?

34 5,7 DNA Proteins can be used to determine how closely related organisms because amino acid sequences are determined by the ______that makes up an organism’s genes.

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