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Unit 3 Day 18: Classical Greece. Warm Up 1. Turn in essays (Egypt/Mesopotamia) 2. Get in partners and finish “Athenian Democracy DBQ”

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1 Unit 3 Day 18: Classical Greece

2 Warm Up 1. Turn in essays (Egypt/Mesopotamia) 2. Get in partners and finish “Athenian Democracy DBQ”

3 Athenian Democracy Athens=birthplace of democracy Huge gap btwn rich and poor in city Draco (official) reformed city laws- HARSH! Solon, 590s BC revised laws ◦ Outlaw debt slavery, encouraged trade  All men could participate in gov/jury  Only wealthy men could hold office** ◦ 541 BC: Peisistratus, tyrant rose to power  Popular, pushed aristocrats out of power  Encouraged trade

4 Foundation of Democracy Cleisthenes took over after P’s death ◦ Divides Athens into 10 tribes based on location  Broke up power of noble families  10 tribes = basis for elections (50 men from each tribe served in Council of 500)  1 elected from each tribe to lead army

5 True Democracy? “Government by the people, for the people” Women, children, immigrants had no role People who could participate HAD TO ◦ Vote in all elections, serve in office if elected, serve on juries, serve in military if needed Direct Democracy: people vote directly on issues Archon = elected ‘chief of state’, 1 year term, could be re- elected and removed

6 Causes of Persians Wars Causes: ◦ Ionian city-states (Turkey), large/wealthy Greek states  Fall to Persians 500sBC, unhappy w/Persian rule  Asked Greeks for help to rebel  Crushed by Darius I, seeks revenge by attacking Greek mainland

7 Persian Wars: 1 st Invasion 490BC fleet of Persians sail to Marathon (near Athens) ◦ Athenians charge at Persians unloading  Phalanx: tight rectangular formation, spears out/shields up  Persians retreat  Athenian messenger runs from Mar. to Athens, 26.1 miles (dies of exhaustion after delivering message)

8 Persian Wars: 2 nd Invasion Xerxes, 480BC sails for Greece ◦ 100,000’s soldiers/sailors/animals/weapons ◦ Built bridge into Greece, took week to cross? Greek Spartans block mtn. pass at Thermopylae (stall time) ◦ Local shows Persians shortcut, Spartans surrounded, city sacked ◦ Battle of Salamis (turning point)  Athenian commander lured Persian ships into narrow straight, they get stuck, DEFEAT!  Greeks march to Persia and win the Persian Wars

9 Athens: Golden Age Athens and Sparta: power and influence ◦ Athens becomes ‘leader’ of Greece Delian League: alliance of city-states ◦ Athens controlled ships and $  League turns Athens into empire, rebuilds city

10 Pericles Athenian politician/speaker ◦ Elected as city general in 460s  Champion of democracy, encouraged participation and evangelism  Patron of arts: commissioned Parthenon to be built

11 Peloponnesian War Sparta wanted to limit Athens’ power ◦ Sparta led Peloponnesian League 500BC ◦ Tension btwn. Delian and Peloponnesian Fear led to declaration of war ◦ Sparta vs. Athens, stalemate  430-429BC plague struck Athens (turning point)  Pericles dies  421BC truce between Athens and Sparta 415BC Athens attacks Spartan ally* ◦ Sparta destroys Athenian fleet, forced to surrender

12 After the War Sparta controlled Greece ◦ Stretched too thin financially ◦ Thebes (polis) defeats Sparta  Led to cycle of warfare  340sBC, Macedonia takes over Greece  **Greek speaking kingdom from North

13 Cause/Effect during Peloponnesian War CauseEffect 1. Athens est. Delian league. Takes advantage of its position as leader and created Athenian Empire. 2. Sparta declares war on Athens. 3. Sparta is stretched too thin while trying to control Greek city-states.

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