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Lisa Zimmaro, AVP Risk Management and Treasury & Denise Connerty AVP for International Affairs Temple University Developing Your International Risk Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Lisa Zimmaro, AVP Risk Management and Treasury & Denise Connerty AVP for International Affairs Temple University Developing Your International Risk Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lisa Zimmaro, AVP Risk Management and Treasury & Denise Connerty AVP for International Affairs Temple University Developing Your International Risk Management Action Plan Partnership and Collaboration

2 Yay! Amazing history, ancient monuments, fascinating cultures…. Denise Lisa

3 Overview of Temple University Public university with 39,000 students Centralized office for Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses Pockets of international education activity throughout the university especially in the professional schools.

4 Our Study Abroad Context Temple University Rome – 500 students a year on traditional study abroad, 40% non-Temple students Temple University, Japan campus – 1900 students, most of whom are degree-seeking Exchanges – Europe and Asia Short-term Faculty-led programs – Brazil, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Ghana, Jamaica, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom External programs – direct enroll and 3rd party providers

5 Our Risk Management Context Insurances procured for international exposures: Business travel accident policy (covers faculty, staff and students) General liability, property, foreign workers comp and employers liability Fund premium payment for International medical and travel emergency assistance Fund international medical insurance payments and charge back to departments Participate in educational training sessions regarding risk exposures

6 Partnership Accomplishments Emergency medical/travel assistance support International Health Insurance for study abroad students and university travelers Temple University Travel Registry (TUTR) Travel policies relative to high risk/state department travel warning countries Faculty program leader training Future plan- table top exercises

7 Ongoing Collaboration University buy-in Counsel of Deans Protocol for faculty/students who want to take students to/study in a high risk/under warning country Responding to potential crises abroad Safety/security site assessment Insurance

8 Questions to Consider How do you perceive risk? As a risk manager As a study abroad director What is the risk tolerance level at your institution? How are you working together now?

9 Questions

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