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July 27, 2011 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting, LLC 1.

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Presentation on theme: "July 27, 2011 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting, LLC 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 27, 2011 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting, LLC 1

2  Conceptual discussion of issues associated with the PMO  Your voice to discuss the issues you are facing today 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 2

3  Kim Brain, PMP  Brain Works Consulting, LLC  Independent project manager 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 3

4  PMO Life Cycle  Issues  PMO Roles  support  strategic or enterprise 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 4

5  Formation  Promotion  Foundation  Development & delivery  Transformation 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 5

6  Role  Sponsorship  Reporting relationship  Structure  Functions 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 6

7  Objective - Process Efficiencies  measured by speed, cost and accuracy.  Role  establish repeatable, integrated PM processes;  provides standard methods, tools, templates;  support individual projects to a successful finish;  Support PM role. 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 7

8  Objective - Process Effectiveness  measured by impact of process improvements on the performance of the organization or unit.  Role  ensure strategic alignment of project portfolio and individual projects;  ensures and strengthens the business cases of individual projects;  provides hands-on benefits management of entire portfolio and projects in it;  assesses impact of business environment on active projects. 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 8

9 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 9

10  Misaligned expectations  Resolution strategies  Charter Goals, objectives, purpose Value add service  PMO assessment  PM maturity assessment  communication 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 10

11  Lack of executive support/buy in  Resolution strategies  Get a sponsor  Obtain authority from executive level Establish steering committee Draft charter and sign it  Deliver  Communicate improvement/successes 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 11

12  Internal “sales” of the PMO  Promote PMO value and function 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 12

13  Lack of stakeholder engagement  Resolution strategies  engagement model  outreach  sell the return on investment  public relations 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 13

14  Projects are resistant to change or accepting a standard PM methodology  Resolution strategies  change interventions  outreach to project teams  survey 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 14

15  Lack of executive buy-in and support  Resolution strategies  align selling points with PMO functions provided  regularly meet with executives  survey 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 15

16 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 16

17  Policies and Practices  Methods 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 17

18  Processes in place, but no one follows them  Resolution strategies  Governance  education/awareness 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 18

19  Procedures and standards are viewed as an unnecessary burden to projects  Resolution strategies  stakeholder engagement  update procedures/policies on a continuous basis 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 19

20  Execution  services  repository  Templates, examples  training  Controlling  scope management 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 20

21  PMO staff lacks project management experience  Resolution Strategies  team up PMO staff with a seasoned project manager in the field  apprenticeship – PMO staff assigned to project as PM assistant 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 21

22  Project managers lack project management experience  Resolution strategies  training  certification requirements  outreach 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 22

23  Lack of staff to conduct PMO work  Resolution strategies  projects complete monthly status  obtain best practices from projects  contract  scope management 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 23

24  The search for appropriate “templates” takes an inordinate amount of the project’s available effort  Resolution Strategies  document management plan  librarian for management of best practice templates/information 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 24

25  Inconsistency in deliverable templates and examples  Resolution strategies  cover all PM phases  template – headers/footers; heading formatting in place; sentence or two for each section  librarian 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 25

26  Improve PMO Operation  long term plan to improve PM capability  value add service  changes in organizational needs 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 26

27  Five progressive, successive stages of the PMO capability and development 1. Project oversight and reporting 2. Program oversight and reporting 3. PM core competency development 4. Ensure business interests are addressed in project environment 5. Center of excellence 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 27

28  Projects are not delivering results  Resolution strategies  change interventions  collect and analyze project performance metrics  recruit and hire experienced and certified project management resources  repository of project measurement 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 28

29  How does the support PMO become the Strategic PMO?  Resolution strategies  deliver  demonstrate value of project management and the PMO to the organization  evolve 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 29

30  An Inefficient Management System.  Resolution strategies 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 30

31  Organizational transformation  Establishing PMO is a project itself  issues/risks 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 31

32 7-27-2011 Brain Works Consulting 32

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