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IPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 1 Webinar #4: Delegation & One Minute Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "IPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 1 Webinar #4: Delegation & One Minute Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 1 Webinar #4: Delegation & One Minute Manager

2 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Learning Objectives: TMWBAT:  Identify the development level of EEs to whom they can delegate  Determine what part of the task can be delegated  Identify times/opportunities for both praise & reprimand 2

3 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Issues, Expectations, & Take-aways

4 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Proven Over Time  Released in 1981  Extremely well received for its simplicity & applicability  >12 million copies in 27 languages

5 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Background on Ken Blanchard  Professor at University of Pittsburgh in Management  Co-founder of Situational Leadership Model in 1968  Established Blanchard Training & Development Company  Well published  Highly regarded for simple, easy-to-implement management principles

6 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Management Styles  So, what do you normally see?

7 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Style #1  Autocratic manager  ‘Hard-nosed’  Realistic  Profit / results driven  [High “D” on DISC]

8 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Style #2  ‘Nice Manager’  Democratic  Participative  Supportive  Humanistic  [High “I” on DISC]

9 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations ‘Here to Get Results’  Purpose of the organization is to get results  Can’t get results without people!  Need to care about people & results  Discussion: How do you currently balance this to produce the units w/o alienating the EE’s

10 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Self-Esteem Cycle  People who feel good about themselves produce good results.  People who produce good results feel good about themselves.  Do you see this on the production floor?

11 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Quality of Management vs. Quantity  “If your going to take out a long-term car loan, don’t buy a short-term car.”  Discuss  How does this relate to your management style?  How does this relate to candidate selection?

12 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations ‘One Minute Manager’  Takes very little time to get big results from people  Set & agree upon expectations on 1 page. [“Pygmalion in Management” article: HBR]  < 250 words. Read it within 1 minute  80 / 20 rule  3-6 goals

13 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Goal #1  Identify performance problems & come up with solutions  Avoid ‘Monkeys’  Feed or shoot  Bring it in. Take it out.  Never accept a monkey by email.  3-2-1 approach  Identify & solve your own problems  Complaining vs. problem solving [Discuss]  Ask “Why 3 times.

14 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Goal Setting  Agree upon goals & expectations  What does good behavior look like?  Write out goals: < 250 words  Examine daily  Does your behavior match the goal?  One Minute Goal Setting : [High direction at the start of a task]

15 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations One Minute Praisings  Crystal clear feedback on how you’re doing  Wanting your team to succeed  Stay close at the start  Catch people doing something right [… or almost right]  Many managers look for something wrong!  Reinforcing positive behavior more positive behavior  Relates to Maslow. Which level?  Physical  Safety / Security  Emotional / Social  Ego Gratification  Self-Actualization

16 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Praising  Spontaneous, not just at Annual Review time  Impact on morale  How many times have you?  Have you received?  What is the corporate culture for praise?

17 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 7 Steps 1.Tell people up front what you’re going to do 2.Praise immediately 3.Be specific 4.Tell them how you feel [proud, fortunate…] 5.Pause to let it sink in 6.Encourage addition behavior 7.Shake hands. [No other touching]

18 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations One Minute Reprimand  Confirm the facts  Don’t delay  Describe the performance issue / behavior  Share your feelings  :30  Let it sink in  Re-affirm your faith

19 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations One Minute Reprimand 1.Tell people beforehand 2.Reprimand immediately 3.Be specific 4.Share your feelings 5.Let it sink in 6.Shake hands [No other touching] 7.Re-affirm your faith 8.Move on

20 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Investing in People  Most companies spend 50-70% of budget on salaries  Only 1% on training  Why? [Discuss]

21 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Provide Feedback on Goals  ‘Breakfast of Champions’ [Wheaties]  Keeps us going  ‘Leave alone ….. Zap!  ‘Everyone is a potential winner!’ ‘Some people are disguised as losers.’ [Discuss]  [What do you see on the production floor?]

22 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Hiring  Hire a winner [What does that look like?] [Who are they?]  Hire a potential winner, & train them.  What do they look like?  Who trained you to interview? Behavior-based Questions]  What are you looking for?

23 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Reflection  Look at your goals. [Are they in the SMART format]  Look at your performance  Does your performance match your goals  Why not? [Pause] [Write down 3 root causes]

24 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations On-Boarding  Welcome new EE’s  Introduce them around  Then, we leave them alone Zap!  2 reasons for poor performance: Can’t & Won’t.  [Discuss your on-boarding process. Relate this to last week’s Situational Leadership Model]

25 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations ‘Gunny-sack’ Discipline  Many managers store up the mis-behaviors until the ‘sack’ is full, then do a [devastating] dump  Fear of confrontation?  Low task oriented?  Why? [Discuss]

26 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Communication Styles [1]  Adult  Parent  Child  Adult  Parent  Child

27 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Communication Style [2]  I’m OK  I’m not OK  You’re OK  You’re not OK  You’re OK

28 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Goals  Goals begin behaviors  Consequences maintain behaviors  Describe ‘Consequence Management’  Your input?

29 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Expectations  Does anyone have a 1-page Set of Expectations for their team members?  Quality  Quantity  Cost  Delivery time  Team behaviors  New ideas

30 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Expectations  Top 10 for each of you?

31 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Reluctance to Delegate?  Discussion on why there is reluctance to delegate.  What could be lost?  What is at risk? 31

32 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations “Monkey Management”  HBR: Top 5 best selling articles  Exercise #1: 3 teams:  1 team per 3 pages.  What are the key points on each page?  Where might there be cultural differences? Exercise #2:  How would they recommend a Delegation Model to fit their multi-national offices  Corporate Culture? 32

33 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Exercise:  Exercise #3:  Write a list of all your daily/weekly duties & responsibilities:  How many hours for each?  What can be delegated to free up time for leadership & strategic thinking?  What can be delegated for career development of a high potential subordinate? What is an organization’s responsibility? 33

34 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Delegate to Whom?? [Refer back to last webinar on Situational Leadership]  D-1: Train. Don’t delegate yet.  D-2: Delegate a small part of the task. Train. Monitor closely.  D-3: Delegate a significant part of the task. Monitor periodically.  D-4: Delegate the entire task. Monitor occasionally. 34

35 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations How Will You Use This?

36 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Wind-up  What 1 thing had the greatest impact for you from this session?

37 iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Questions?

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