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FY10 Budget Status Joan Graf - FY09-10 Treasurer Nora Lin – FY09 PE.

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Presentation on theme: "FY10 Budget Status Joan Graf - FY09-10 Treasurer Nora Lin – FY09 PE."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY10 Budget Status Joan Graf - FY09-10 Treasurer Nora Lin – FY09 PE

2 Budget Timeline – updated Task Original Due Date Revised Due DateOwnerStatus Conduct a Program ans Services assessment at BOD2Nov. 4, 2008 President Elect, Nora Lin and BoardDone Consoliate the FY08 and fy09 P&S assessment results into one file and send to BOD membersNov. 22, 2008 Presdient Elect, Nora LinDone Identify standard budget itemsDec. 15, 2008 Treasurer, Joan Graf and Finance Chair, Meg ReeseDone Communicate the tools, process and summary budget info for standardsDec. 15, 2008 Treasurer, Joan Graf and Finance Chair, Meg ReeseDone Request for budget input for improvement activiitiesDec. 15, 2008 Treasurer, Joan Graf and Finance Chair, Meg ReeseDone Submit budgt requests for improvement activitiesJan. 9, 2009 BOD membersDone Perform an annual Strategic Planing reviewJan. 30, 2009 BOD membersDone Submit budge request for new activities based on the results of SP review.Feb. 13, 2009 BOD membersDone Committees to submit discrepancies and errors for standard budget to Finance CommitteeFeb. 13, 2009Mar. 27, 2009 BOD members (BOD members review info and provide to committee) One last review of committee budgets will be completed.

3 Task Original Due Date Revised Due DateOwnerStatus Consolidate all budget requests and send for prioritizationFeb. 20, 2009Mar. 16, 2009 Treasurer, Joan Graf and Finance Chair, Meg Reese Submit review comments and suggested priorities.Mar. 6, 2009Mar. 27, 2009BOD members Consolidate all BOD inputMar. 13, 2009Apr. 3, 2009 Treasurer, Joan Graf and Finance Chair, Meg Reese Review and finalize the financial priorities for conf call.Mar. 16, 2009Apr. 13, 2009BOD members Have working draft completed.Mar. 16, 2009Apr. 13, 2009Executive Director, Betty Shanahan Finance committee working meetings to review and identify an changes.Mar. 16-Apr 6Apr. 13-May 4 Treasurer, Joan Graf and Finance Chair, Meg Reese, Executive Director, Betty Shanahan and Finance Committee Document budget assumptionsApr. 6, 2009May 4, 2009 Treasurer, Joan Graf and Finance Chair, Meg Reese Update FY10 budget and submit to boardApr. 6, 2009May 4, 2009Executive Director, Betty Shanahan Approve FY10 budgetApr. 13, 2009May 11, 2009BOD Budget Timeline – updated

4 Next steps Start communication plan (who/when) for SWE’s financial status Document recent financial history to provide Senate as needed for request for additional funds. This will include income and expenses and differences from the budgets and year end results.

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