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2014-15 B UDGET & F INANCIAL P RIORITIES September 4, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-15 B UDGET & F INANCIAL P RIORITIES September 4, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-15 B UDGET & F INANCIAL P RIORITIES September 4, 2014

2 Funding Sources for 2014-15 PCH - $53,040 (confirmed) City of Yellowknife - $750 (confirmed) Mary Joyce Booth Fund - $1,000 (confirmed) Get Active - $750 (pending) GNWT ENR - $400 (confirmed) CPF-NWT membership rebates – (not currently factored in) Total (not including CPF-NWT $): $55,940

3 CPF-NWT Strategic PlanCPF-NWT Strategic Plan 1 CPF-NWT 2013-17 WorkplanCPF-NWT 2013-17 Workplan 2 2014-15 Budget2014-15 Budget 3 Three Key Documents

4 Strategic Plan: Priorities 1.Diversify sources of funding 2.Promote CPF National activities to NWT schools (Concours) 3.Increase & solidify volunteer base 4.Develop focussed marketing efforts 5.Increase perception of CPF-NWT credibility 6.Work collaboratively with key partners

5 2014-15 Workplan Activities CPF-NWT AGM Funding proposals & reporting Activities with Chapters & at Branch level (including Concours) Activities outside of Yellowknife Launch Partnership program Increase member benefits Recognition program implementation (Volunteer & Teacher) Strengthen links to ECE Communications Plan Chapter Development Board & staff training opportunities Board team building activity Evaluation of ED & Board Self-Evaluation Information packages for sponsorship, decision-makers & families Mary Joyce Booth Video Competition

6 2014-15 Budget #Line Item$ 1Salary $28,350.00 2Honoraria $10,115.00 3Travel $6,125.00 4Publicity $3,775.00 5Operational Costs $7,575.00 Total (PCH, ENR, Get Active, City & Mary Joyce Booth) $55,940.00

7 Budget 2014-15


9 Program Activities ($20,900) Chapters partnerships (core) Camp de neige (core) Branch activities Partnership activities (as per call proposals) Mary Joyce Booth video competition


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