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Evolution and Perspectives for SSE Y. Coene, Spacebel s.a. M. Gilles, Spacebel s.a. 10.11.2009 ESA - ESRIN, Frascati, Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution and Perspectives for SSE Y. Coene, Spacebel s.a. M. Gilles, Spacebel s.a. 10.11.2009 ESA - ESRIN, Frascati, Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution and Perspectives for SSE Y. Coene, Spacebel s.a. M. Gilles, Spacebel s.a. 10.11.2009 ESA - ESRIN, Frascati, Rome

2 [ 2] Overview Technical Evolution and Planned Improvements - Component-based Architecture - User interface: customisable service pages - Improved modularity - Identity Management - Support for additional Protocols Use of SSE in other contexts Conclusion

3 [ 3] Component-based Architecture Next SSE Portal based on Liferay Portlet-Framework - Standard-based JSR 286 portlets - Should also support remote portlets (OASIS WSRP) Advantages: - Components (Portlets) from external companies can be integrated in the same Portal. Requires no software changes to SSE Portal. - Possible portlets: SSE WebMapViewer Service monitoring software (e.g. AmberPoint SOA Monitoring Dashboard) BPEL Service Orchestration designer BPEL Console application SSE Administration Tool

4 [ 4] Component-based Architecture Advantages: - Easier to combine components from other Portlet-based Portals, e.g. GSCDA Portal, GEO Portal. - Easier deployment and maintenance (per portlet). Change a wheel without changing the car. - Use as remote portlets still to be tested. Could replace ad-hoc integration SSE/GEO Portal using IFRAME.

5 [ 5] Component-based Architecture Administrator is able to apply « themes » to change the appearance of the SSE Portal - Liferay Themes, e.g. FP7 GENESIS theme, ESA GSCDA theme, ESA GEO theme can be applied without software change. - Reuse of themes among ESA portals. SSE (FP7 GENESIS) Theme ESA GSCDA Theme

6 [ 6] Component-based Architecture Advantages: - Administrator composes pages consisting of portlets according to layout (2 columns, 3 columns etc). - Design of application independent of pages or layout. - End-user can modify position of portlets on a page.

7 [ 7] Component-based Architecture SSE Portlets available to put on current page Names of available pages Layout of current page With 5 sections

8 [ 8] Customisable Service Pages Service providers will be able to customise service pages using rich components - Use of AJAX-enabled JavaServer Faces in service pages: Service input and output: allows partial refresh of pages - Inputs, trees, tables, calendars, tab panels, Virtual Earth or Google Map widgets etc.

9 [ 9] Customisable Service Pages Current process: - Service provider provides XSLT stylesheet for service - XSLT stylesheet contains presentation information - No internationalisation XSLT Service Output (XML) Service XSLT Stylesheet HTML

10 [ 10] Customisable Service Pages New process: - Service provider provides simpler XSLT stylesheet (no presentation) - Service provider provides Facelet file (presentation). - Internationalisation: service provider can provide resource bundle XSLT Service Output (XML) Service XSLT Stylesheet XML Intermediate Format SSE / JSF Service Facelet HTML + AJAX Resource bundle (optional)

11 [ 11] Customisable Service Pages New process: - No imposed structure of screen, e.g. input top-left, map top-right and results bottom. - SSE provides set of reusable AJAX-enabled JSF Components, e.g. RichFaces - SSE provides default resource bundle for commonly used labels. Service provider can upload translation of additional labels.

12 [ 12] Customisable Service Pages XML Intermediate Format SSE / JSF Service Facelet HTML + AJAX

13 [ 13] Customisable Service Pages Service Web pages are - Either generated by the Registration Wizard - or generated from Service Provider inputs ("custom" service)

14 [ 14] Example Page – with Google Map

15 [ 15] Example Page – with Google Map JSF Table component with sortable and resizeable columns JSF Tab component JSF Calendar component Google Map JSF component

16 [ 16] Example Page – WebMapViewer Web Map Viewer portlet

17 [ 17] Improved Modularity What ? - Portal acts as SOAP client to orchestrated services. - Portal uses security token service (STS – ws-trust) for authentication (TBC) - Portal uses user registration Web service for user registration. Advantage for service provider - Service Provider can access composite services deployed on SSE Portal using his own Portal or client, e.g. FACEO client ASTRIUM-F

18 [ 18] Improved Identity Management What ? - At service registration time, possibility to require Portal to include user assertions inside the service requests. - SAML token with ws-security assertions in SOAP header - SSE as Identity Provider - Allow service providers to act as Identity Providers (TBC) Advantage for service provider - Receives information about who accesses his services - Complete control of access to his Web services - Standards-based solution - Can apply "policy-enforcement", e.g. with XACML enabled SSE-Toolbox

19 [ 19] Support for additional protocols Registration Wizard extended with support for: - OGC 07-045: CSW ISO Application Profile Service, dataset series and dataset catalogue INSPIRE-compliant ISO19139 metadata Customisable at service registration time Examples: –JAXA Alos Catalogue –FP7 Geoland2 Collection and Service Catalogue at VITO –Some FP6 InterRisk dataset catalogues

20 [ 20] OGC 07-045 Client Configurable client - Output schema - Binding - Default "tab" etc. - Visible query parameters

21 [ 21] JAXA Alos Catalogue

22 [ 22]

23 [ 23] Support for additional protocols Registration Wizard extended with support for: - OGC 05-007r7: Web Processing Service Extension with ws-addressing, also supported by Toolbox. FP6 SANY Developments Further evolving in SSEGrid project - OGC 07-038: CSW ebRIM Application Profile, CIM Extension Package Service, dataset series and dataset catalogue INSPIRE-compliant ISO19139 metadata Customisable at service registration time Navigation from series metadata to service metadata to associated service client

24 [ 24] OGC 07-038 Client Allows navigation from collection metadata to service metadata.

25 [ 25] OGC 07-038 CIM EP client allows navigating to related service client (if available) preserving selected "collections".

26 [ 26] Support for additional protocols Registration Wizard extended with support for: - OGC 06-131 v0.2.4: CSW ebRIM Application Profile EO Extension Package EO dataset catalogue Version negotiation v0.1.7 or v0.2.4 Collections discovered automatically via GetCapabilities at service registration time. Collection tree no longer to be provided by the service provider. Asynchronous implementation of multi-catalogue client being prepared as per OGC 08-086r1: show results when fastest catalogue is ready instead of waiting until slowest one is ready. Compatibility tested also with open-source server implementations GiCAT and buddata (ERGO).

27 [ 27] OGC 06-131 Client Combined Collection tree structure Load Dali collections from Capabilities Load NASA ECHO collections from Capabilities Load EUMETSAT collections

28 [ 28] OGC 06-131 Client Support for version negotiation - Different version possible per endpoint Version supported by Dali Version supported by EUMETSAT

29 [ 29] Implementation OGC 08-086r1 Could be made available through the Registration Wizard also. SSE Portal (AJAX) SSE Orchestration Engine

30 [ 30] Overview Technical Evolution and Planned Improvements Use of SSE in other contexts Conclusion

31 [ 31] SSE in other Contexts FP7 GEOLAND2 - GMES Core Service "Land" - Spatial Data Infrastructure hosted by VITO - Portal GEOSS - SSE Pages integrated in ESA GEO Web Portal ( - Various services and clients ready: FEDEO Clearinghouse Access to GEOSS registry, ESRI GEOSS Clearinghouse, Compusult GEOSS Clearinghouse, USGS GEOSS Clearinghouse, JAXA Alos catalogue,... ESA Collection and Service Catalogue

32 [ 32] SSE in other Contexts

33 [ 33] ESRI GEOSS Clearinghouse

34 [ 34] EO-DAIL Portal

35 [ 35] Conclusion Several evolutions being prepared in parallel. - Short term - Longer term Use of Portlets and JSF opens new perspectives for combining Portal components, tighter integration and customisable rich service pages. Software now used as backbone for more than one Portal. Evolutions supported by contracts from ESA, EU and Walloon Region: e.g. HMA-T, FEDEO, SSEGrid, FP6 InterRisk, FP7 GENESIS, 3WSA etc.

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