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Published byKory Watts Modified over 8 years ago
DONE BY : Jewan Park
The first aim of Islam is to establish the righteous man. A Muslim, before all else is man of belief and faith, one who is clear about himself and the world around him. ◦ “And We have not created the heaven and earth and what is between them in vain, such is the thought of the unbelievers; so woe to the unbelievers from the Fire! Or shall we treat those who believe and do righteous deeds, as those who are corruptors on the earth, or shall We treat the pious as the impious?” (Sad: 27-28)
A Muslim is man of rites and worship; for he knows that the world around him was created for him; and that he, in turn, was created for Allah alone. Worship of Allah alone, without partner, is his chief purpose. ◦ Man was created but to serve his Lord, his Creator; that to worship Him; worshipping Him alone without the partnership of anything. That’s why God sent Prophets; ◦ “And We already have sent among every nation a messenger, saying: Worship Allah and shun false deities” (Al-Nahl:36)
Allah has sent him (the Prophet) to perfect the codes of good character; and He has described him as being “on a high scale of character” ◦ Therefore Muslim draws from his light and follows his guidance, takes after his character, for him to be nearest to him in the Day of Resurrection. The regular acts of devotion are meant to improve the soul, by virtues and getting rid of vices just as the Qur’an points out. ◦ “Surely prayers ward off abomination and evil” (Al- Ankabut:45)
Righteousness & Good Character If the man of Islam is the man of faith and belief, then, he is at the same time, a man of the intellect and knowledge. ◦ “Take it that you are blind!” It clearly warns them who follows false beliefs or idol-worship.
Islam aims at nurturing the Righteous family which is the necessary nucleus of the foundation of good society. ◦ Marriage is holy bond between man and woman ◦ Marriage is foundation of the expected family. The Prophet (PBUH) directed his call to youth urging them to marry. ◦ “O generation of youth, those of you who can afford it should marry; for it veils the sight and better fortifies privacy.” ◦ (Al-Buhkari in the Book of Fast, and in the Book of Marriage, on the authority Ibn Mas’ud)
It is the rule of Allah that in this universe that nothing can perform his duty alone. Allah created him indeed to Communicate with other of his kind, to be accomplished. ◦ Even male particle (Pollen) must contact the female particles (Stigma-ovary) in the plant kingdom, to reproduce plants and trees as well as fruits.
Islam strives towards instituting marriage on firm principles beginning with mutual consent between the couple, and the consent of their parents for solid foundation. They must find the right choice but should not be deceived by appearance only. Man is not by his good Appearance, but rather for his good “Mixture”
Both of them must accept the physical stature of one another. ◦ Because the eye is the messenger of the heart. Mughira ibn Shu’ba once said to the Prophet (PBUH), I plighted my troth to a lady. Prophet said “Did you sight her? He said “NO”. The Prophet said, “Then, go and take a sight of her, for there might have been some kindness between you.” Woman are also allowed to see the man while the man is watching her.
Rights of the wife 1.The dowry 2.Expenditure – Husband is responsible for her expenses 3.Kindness and Courtesy – Need more than just material side of expenditure 4.Preserving her Dignity – Must not harm her by insult or talk to her out of the way. 5.Patience and Endurance – Man must be patient over, and endure, to his wife in order to save married life from destruction. Hadith says “Treat your women well” “Women is like a freak”
1. Obedience with kindliness (Gentleness) Every partnership must have a head; and instinct has elected the male. 2. Trust “Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in the husband’s absense what Allah orders them to guard.” (Al Nisa,34) 3. Help If mutual cooperation is demanded in all aspects, it is more applicable between wife and husband. 4. Punishment Should prevent wife from sins.
The aim of Islam at the establishment of a good society is essential. ◦ Islamic community is not a national or regional community, rather is it an assembly of faith. The members of this community could be of different races, colors, countries but they all unify under one faith. The Islamic Community is a truth imbedded in the soul.
Brotherhood and fraternity are the permanent features of the Muslim society. ◦ “The Believer are brothers” (Al Hujurat: 10) History and event have confirmed that there are no bonds stronger than faith; and that there is no faith stronger than Islam. ◦ “And prefer others above themselves, even though property afflict them” (Al Hashr: 9)
Mutual sympathy and kindness, and this is the fruit of true brotherhood. ◦ Most urgent need of kindness and mercy is for the weak; orphan, unable, servants, and disables ◦ Qur’an consider it as sign of unbelief to be cruel to theses classes, and to leave them to perish with hunger, homelessness and loss.
The Muslim community is a decent society, rearing its children in a weather of cleanliness. ◦ Innocence, chastity and forbids disorder and mess. It regards wine and gambling as faith from the work of Satan. ◦ “Surely, Allah loves those who repent, and He loves those who are always pure” (Al Baqara: 222)
Islam has prescribed fundamental goals for man on this earth. 1.Worship of Allah: and to it calls His words: “And I have not created Jinn and mankind except that they worship Me” (Al Dhariyat: 56) 2.To be Allah’s vicegerent on earth: to which His word refers: “ I am going to place generations after generations on earth” (Al-Baqara:30) 3.Rehabilitating the earth, in accordance with His word: “He has created you from the earth, and made you dwell in it.” (Hud:61)
As for Muslim nation, it is charged with the carrying of this universal religion to the world. ◦ Light of Allah should guide others as well. ◦ “You are the best nation to have been raised up for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and you believe in God.” (Al Imran; 110) The universal message of Islam is a universal blessing as Allah has describe it, and the best call to the good of Humanity.
The first principle of Islam is total monotheism in all shapes and standards. ◦ Should not worship man, objects, whims, or any. Islam abolished the false gods which people had sanctified and taken them lords besides Allah or with Him together. ◦ “Should I seek a judge other than God, while God is the One Who has revealed to you the Book (Qur’an), well expounded.” (Al-An’am: 114)
Brotherhood, Equality, Freedom ◦ These three humanistic principles lays the practical framework for their application (creed, ritual ethics) Principle of human equality ◦ Islam respects and honors man only for his being human regardless of any race or color consideration ◦ “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Surely the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most pious of you. Indeed God is All-knowing, all-aware” (49:13) ◦ Human values same (Arab, white, rich, man, employ)
Islam calls for the benefit of mankind is the maintenance out of justice to all people. ◦ “Certainly We sent Our Messengers with clear signs and We revealed to them the Book and the Balance so that the people may observe justice. (Al Hadid, 25) It is clear which is justice, that gives everything his due right. ◦ “Indeed! GOD Commands you to render back trusts to whom they belong, and when you judge between people, that you judge with justice. Surely GOD admonishes you with what is excellent, surely GOD is all-Hearing, All-Seeing”. (Al Nisa: 58)
Among the objects of Islam is Peace among mankind, instead of war and struggles. ◦ Jihad in Islam was bidden for no other purpose than (foe) the defense of the mission when attacked. ◦ Jihad was not proclaimed for enmity against an innocent peace-maker who has not harmed the Muslims, and has not fought them, nor shows symptoms of enmity against them. ◦ “And continue to fighting them until there is no more persecution and GOD is Religion prevails, but if they desist from unbelief, then there should be no hostility except to the evildoers” (Al baqara:193)
Muslim tolerance towards non-Muslims in a highly civilized way without bias or envy on one who oppose Islam. ◦ People of Book – marrying their daughters is lawful. ◦ “And the food of the people of earlier scripture is permissible to you, and your food is permissible to them, and you are permitted to marry chaste believing women and chaste women from among the people who were given earlier scripture before you.” (Al Ma’ida:5) Marital relation is one of the basic bonds of humanity.
Islamic economy: the economic system in which production, distribution or trade, consumption of goods and services in a country or region is done according to the Qur’anic and Sunnah. ◦ Foundation of righteous economy 1.Encouraging business and all other kinds of permissible work 2.Forbidding all unlawful work 3.Implementing Zakat 4.Public funds for public welfare 5.Laws of inheritance and redistribution of wealth
Primary goals of Islamic economy ◦ Self-sufficiency ◦ Efficient use of resources ◦ Growth of individuals and society ◦ Reducing the gap between the rich and poor ◦ Social welfare and social security ◦ Fair redistribution of wealth ◦ “Establish prayer and give zakah and loan Allah a goodly loan.” (Quran, 73:20)
And whatever you give for interest to increase within the wealth of people will not increase with Allah. But what you give in zakah, desiring the countenance of Allah - those are the multipliers (Quran, 30:39). ◦ “O you who have believed, do not consume usury, doubled and multiplied, but fear Allah that you may be successful (Quran, 3:130).”
Zakat is an obligatory charity, which is only collected from Muslims, who have wealth equivalent to Nisab (after meeting his necessities) No Zakat is due on wealth until one year passes from the day of acquiring the wealth Zakatable items include – livestock, gold, silver, currency, jewelry, commercial assets, agriculture, honey, animal products, mining, fishing, rented buildings, plants, fixed capital, salaries, wages,
State taxes are not religious obligations Taxes should only be collected if there are no alternatives for the general welfare of the country such as building roads, schools, hospitals and so on. ◦ All taxes must be used explicitly for the benefit of the people
Business: Allah has prohibited Riba and permitted business Jobs: People are encouraged to work righteously to earn their living Manufacturing: many Muslim countries depend on non Muslim countries for many products. Muslims should strive to be self- sufficient
Thank you Dr!
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