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40 Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 20 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pictograms and Pictograms Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Bar Graphs.

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Presentation on theme: "40 Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 20 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pictograms and Pictograms Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Bar Graphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 40 Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 20 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pictograms and Pictograms Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Bar Graphs

2 Diagrams are often used to show information from data. e.g. The following data set shows the number of cars given parking tickets on a particular street on 5 weekdays. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 20 53540 As always, the frequencies are numbers, but we don’t have numbers for the days of the week. The data are qualitative (descriptions ) instead of quantitative (quantities or numbers ). Both types of data can be shown in pictograms and bar charts.

3 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 2053540 e.g. A pictogram of the data. Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Decide with your partner how many real cars are represented by a picture of a car. Ans: 10 Key: = 10 cars The diagram must have a title and key. pictogram  picture Number of Parking Tickets 20

4 There is very little difference between a pictogram and a bar chart. We replace the pictures with bars ! Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Number of Parking Tickets As before, we must have a title but instead of a key we have a scale. Bar charts are easier to draw using squared paper. 0 10 203040

5 Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 20 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 203040 Bar charts are often drawn with the bars going up the page. Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 203040 Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 20 30 Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 203040 To find the mean number of tickets issued per day, we sum the frequencies and divide by the number of days.

6 40 Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 20 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 203040 Bar charts are often drawn with the bars going up the page. Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Number of Parking Tickets 0 10 203040 mean number of tickets issued per day = 20 + 5 +35 +40 5 = 24

7 Double, or dual, bar charts can be used to compare data. This chart compares the way that boys and girls in a junior class travelled to school. Frequency 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Bus Train Taxi Walking Methods of Transport to School Frequency Boys Girls With your partner answer the following: (a)How many girls go by train? (b)How many children go by taxi? (c)What is the most popular way of getting to school? Ans: (a) 2 (b) 4 (c)Walking

8 Exercise 1.The diagram shows the spending by overseas tourists in parts of the U.K. in 2001. SW England Heart of England Wales Scotland Area Key: = £ 100 million (a)How much was spent by the tourists in (i) the Heart of England and (ii) Wales? (b)The figure for SW England was £ 450 000 000. How many pictures would show this?

9 Area Scotland Wales Heart of England SW England Exercise Source: Office for National Statistics Key: = £ 100 million (a)(i) £ 700 million was spent in the Heart of England (ii) £ 250 million was spent in Wales. Answers: (b) 4½ pictures are needed to show £ 450 000 000.

10 2.The diagram shows the estimates of fish stock in the North Sea in the 1970 s and 1990 s. (a) Which type of fish stock increased between the 1970 s and the 1990 s? (b)What was the estimate of the stock of cod in the 1970 s? Ans: Ans: 800 000 ( 800 thousand ) tonnes North Sea Fish Stocks 0 1000 2000 3000 Cod Herring Haddock Frequency ( thousands of tonnes ) 70's 90's Source: Office for National Statistics Herring

11  Qualitative data has descriptions instead of numbers. SUMMARY  Pictograms and bar charts can be used to display qualitative and quantitative data. e.g.days of the week, colours, transport methods.  Pictograms must have a title and a key. The key gives the frequency for each picture.  The lengths of the bars on a bar chart give the frequencies. Bar charts must have a title and a scale.

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