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Calendar Today Thurs. June 2 – Return exam – Nutrition and the Environment – Start Do Something! assignment in class Next Class Tues. June 7 – Topic: Vegetarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Calendar Today Thurs. June 2 – Return exam – Nutrition and the Environment – Start Do Something! assignment in class Next Class Tues. June 7 – Topic: Vegetarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calendar Today Thurs. June 2 – Return exam – Nutrition and the Environment – Start Do Something! assignment in class Next Class Tues. June 7 – Topic: Vegetarian diet – Do Something! Assignment due

2 Fat: our body acts only as a reserve source of energy (calories). the diet should be limited to <7g/day to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. c.stored in our body equals about 5,000-10,000 calories for most people. an excellent back-up source of glucose. our body provides padding around delicate organs and as insulation from the cold. Deconstructing Question 1 of Exam 2

3 Lipids The Energy Reserve of the Body…and More!

4 EAT THE RIGHT FATSRIGHT TOTAL: ~20-35% Calories LESS: saturated (<25g/day) MORE: unsaturated AVOID: trans

5 Body Energy Stores 70 kg/154 lb male Fuel Type Body fat 10% 20% Glucose, blood100 100 calories Glycogen liver300-400300-400 cal muscle1200-16001200-1600 cal Fat 63,000 126,000 cal Protein NOT STORED

6 Since….lipids (fats/oils) cannot be made into glucose. If carbs are absent, it is protein that is used to meet glucose and energy needs. It will be used for this before used to build body proteins!!! Top priorities of body: 1. Energy 2. Glucose

7 Body Fat Functions Insulation and padding Cell structure Nerve function #1 energy reserve stored as triglyceride

8 Food and the Environment Our health directly relates to what we eat which directly relates to environmental health.

9 Celebrate! Fold your paper in thirds lengthwise. Plan a celebration party for a good friend with 1-2 partners. In the left column make a ‘to-do list. Possibilities to consider: party location, budget, who/how to invite guests, food, drink, entertainment, gift, decorations, facilities, parking, security and/or other. Be as realistic as possible.

10 Oops! @*)&!#@$&! You have an unexpected problem! Word got out about your cool party! 5X the people invited showed up… many, you don’t even know! In middle column list problems this unexpected variable is likely to cause. In right column, suggest solutions, if one exists. Be as realistic as possible.

11 How does party planning relate to food and environment? One place provides what you need for period of time. – Population ….people – Resources…... food/beverage – Environment….venue

12 Earth’s Population/Resources/Environment Resources Natural (e.g. topsoil, oil, fresh water, fuel, biodiversity) Infrastructure (e.g. factories, transport systems)… in jeopardy or need repair Environment Predictable climate, open space, intact habitat’s… in jeopardy Population >7,000,000,000 (billion!) Population ~80 million added/yr. to the global dinner tableadded

13 What is Carrying Capacity (cc)? at W. Africa standard of living ~ 20 B people at US standard of living ~ 0.5 to 2 B people Recall we are at 7B and still growing! The population Earth can carry sustainably (indefinitely)

14 Which would be better for Earth? a.Increase in population (more people) b.Steady population (no increase or decrease) c.Decrease in population (fewer people) Work with one partner and give the rationale for your choice.

15 Do Something! How can you help? Due next class 6.7 for 15 pts. Highlight all areas on HO where you would like to make change to reduce your impact on Earth. Clearly identify the action you believe will have the most significant, positive impact long term? Give rationale for your choice in 3-5 complete, typed sentences or bullet points.


17 Earth ‘Party’ The Challenges of Feeding the World As with a party, many things must work together to feed the world’s population. Starting with sunshine streaming to the earth, identify as many of these variables at you can. With your partners produce a diagram/concept map to show their relationship. ( Use text to explain as needed ). photosynthesis/topsoil solar energy seed crop product oil/machinery/labor/water

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