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The Civil War Chapter 4, Section 2. War Begins April 12 1861 Jefferson Davis orders an attack on Fort Sumter. After Fort Sumter Lincoln called for 75,000.

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Presentation on theme: "The Civil War Chapter 4, Section 2. War Begins April 12 1861 Jefferson Davis orders an attack on Fort Sumter. After Fort Sumter Lincoln called for 75,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Civil War Chapter 4, Section 2

2 War Begins April 12 1861 Jefferson Davis orders an attack on Fort Sumter. After Fort Sumter Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve for 90 days.

3 Goals for the North and South Union wanted to keep the border states. Lincoln avoided making slavery a central issue. Save the Union! Confederacy wanted to be left alone.

4 Tactics and Technology Weapons are now more deadly. Exploding shells, flamethrowers, machine guns. Hot air balloons were used to observe the enemy Led to camouflage.

5 The Battle at Bull Run Union solders panicked and retreated. Forces Engaged Total: 60,680 Total Estimated Casualties 4,878 Result Confederate Victory

6 The First Battle at Bull Run

7 The Battle of Shiloh Gen. Grant wanted to split the Confederacy in half. Forces Engaged Total: 110,053 Total Estimated Casualties 23,746 Result Union Victory

8 Battle of Shiloh

9 Second Battle of Bull Run Gen. Lee attacked Union troops waiting for reinforcements. Confederacy won, killing thousands of union troops. Gave rise to peace movement in the North.

10 Battle of Antietam Lee’s Army goes into Maryland to attack McClellan’s forces. Forces Engaged Total: 131,000 Total Estimated Casualties 22,717 Result Inconclusive 9/17/1862 was the bloodiest day of the Civil War

11 Battle of Antietam

12 Emancipation Proclamation Given by Lincoln on Jan 1, 1868 "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." This encouraged African Americans to fight with the Union Liberated became the liberators.

13 Battle of Fredericksburg Civil War’s first urban combat. Forces Engaged Total: 172,504 Total Estimated Casualties 17,929 Result Confederate Victory

14 Chancellorsville Hooker hoped to attack Lee from behind. Lee ordered a surprise attack. Forces Engaged Total: 154,734 Total Estimated Casualties 30,764 Result Confederate Victory

15 Gettysburg Lee invaded the North. After 2 days Lee ordered 15,000 troops to attack the center. (known as Pickett’s Charge) Less than half returned. Forces Engaged Total: 165,620 Total Estimated Casualties 51,112 Result Union Victory

16 Map of Gettysburg

17 Vicksburg Grant was attacking Vicksburg, a Confederate stronghold. Forces Engaged Total: 110,000 Total Estimated Casualties 37,402 Result Union Victory

18 map.html

19 General Sherman Was in charge of the Western Front. Led the invasion of Georgia and the eventual siege in Atlanta.

20 Sherman’s March to the Sea From Nov. 15- December 21 1864 His forces destroyed military targets as well as industry, infrastructure, and civilian property and disrupted the South's economy and its transportation networks. “I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the City of Savannah, with one hundred and fifty guns and plenty of ammunition, also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton." On December 26,

21 Sherman’s Scorched Earth Policy Atlanta was burned to the ground. Army burned plantations “Sherman sentinels” and destroyed railroads “Sherman Neckties” Total damage was $1.4 billion in 2013 dollars

22 Election of 1864 After Sherman destroyed Atlanta, Lincoln easily won the election. Passed the 13 th Amendment which ended slavery. Wanted to forgive the South “With malice toward none, with charity for all…let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind the nation’s wounds.”

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