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Civil War Vocabulary. First Battle of Bull Run First major battle of the Civil War, won by the Confederate in July 1861.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War Vocabulary. First Battle of Bull Run First major battle of the Civil War, won by the Confederate in July 1861."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War Vocabulary

2 First Battle of Bull Run First major battle of the Civil War, won by the Confederate in July 1861.

3 Siege Tactic in which the enemy is surrounded and starved in order to make it surrender.

4 Casualties Military term for a person killed, wounded, captured or missing in action.

5 13 th Amendment Constitutional amendment, ratified in 1865, abolishing slavery.

6 Greenbacks Name given to the national paper currency created in 1862.

7 Draft Required military service.

8 Pickett’s Charge Unsuccessful charge by Confederate infantry during the Battle of Gettysburg.

9 Battle of Gettysburg Civil War battle in 1862 in Pennsylvania, won by the Union

10 Emancipation Proclamation A presidential decree by president Lincoln, effective January 1, 1863 that freed slaves in the Confederate held territory.

11 Gettysburg Address A famous speech by Lincoln on the meaning of the Civil War, given in November 1863 at the dedication of the national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg.

12 Border States The slave states of DE, MD, VA, KY, and MO that were adjacent to the free states of the North and tied to the Union during the Civil War.

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