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3/29/16 (DAY 1); 3/30/16 (DAY 2) Please pick up orange paper from counter. Terminology Review: SUPPORT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION EVIDENCE INFERENCE Objectives:

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Presentation on theme: "3/29/16 (DAY 1); 3/30/16 (DAY 2) Please pick up orange paper from counter. Terminology Review: SUPPORT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION EVIDENCE INFERENCE Objectives:"— Presentation transcript:

1 3/29/16 (DAY 1); 3/30/16 (DAY 2) Please pick up orange paper from counter. Terminology Review: SUPPORT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION EVIDENCE INFERENCE Objectives:  To demonstrate understanding of connections within, between, or among texts (E08.A-C.3.1)  To analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story drama, or poem propel the action, reveal aspects of the character, or provoke a decision (E08.A-K.1.1.3)

2 LITERATURE CIRCLE SELECTIONS (LL) Girl in Blue by Ann Rinaldi s/category/smithsonian-channel/the- secret-lives-of-civil-war-soldiers/ Trouble Don’t Last by Shelley Pearsall (Historical Fiction) NfTU

3 Chasing Lincoln’s Killer by James Swanson meltzers-decoded/videos/on-the-trail- of-john-wilkes-booth spies/interactives/john-wilkes-booth- timeline-and-map Riot by Walter Dean Myers 635&CategoryID=3756 An Acquaintance with Darkness by Ann Rinaldi 56

4 CHOICES:  Girl in Blue  Trouble Don’t Last  Riot  Chasing Lincoln’s Killer  An Acquaintance with Darkness

5 THE KILLER ANGELS BY MICHAEL SHAARA  Winner of the Pulitzer Prize (1975)  Son, Jeff, made a series by writing the prequel (Gods and Generals) and sequel (The Last Full Measure) stylistically similar with most of the same characters  A fictional account of the Battle of Gettysburg  history/videos/the-battle-of-gettysburg history/videos/the-battle-of-gettysburg  Why do you have to be CAREFUL when you read historical fiction?

6 THE KILLER ANGELS DUE DATES OddEven Foreword and June 29, 1863 Friday, April 8Monday, April 11 July 1, 1863Monday, April 18Tuesday, April 19 July 2, 1863Friday, April 22Monday, April 25 July 3, 1863 and Afterword Thursday, April 28Friday, April 29

7 OddEven AD: Ch. 1-7 CLK: Intro.-Ch. 2 GB: Ch. 1-7 TDL: Ch. 1-8 Riot: p. 1-38 Friday, April 8Monday, April 11 AD: Ch. 8-14 CLK: Ch. 3-7 GB: Ch. 8-13 TDL: Ch. 9-16 Riot: p.38-80 Monday, April 18Tuesday, April 19 AD: Ch. 15-21 CLK: Ch. 8-12 GB: Ch.14-19 TDL: Ch. 17-24 Riot: p. 80-120 Friday, April 22Monday, April 25 AD: Ch. 22-28 CLK: Ch. 13-Epilogue GB: Ch. 20-25 TDL: Ch. 25-32 Riot: p. 120-end Thursday, April 28Friday, April 29

8 PREPARING FOR A RESPONSE Prompt: The editorial focuses on teen use of text messaging. Write an essay analyzing how the author develops the main argument in the editorial. Use evidence from the editorial to support your response.  Write a thesis statement.  List 3 strategies that the author uses to develop the argument.  Choose the strongest strategy and find text evidence to support it.  Why is it the strongest?

9 3/31/16 (DAY 3); 4/1/16 (DAY 4) On your desk:  pencil  scrap paper  lit book  orange paper  planner Objectives:  To demonstrate understanding of connections within, between, or among texts (E08.A-C.3.1)  To analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story drama, or poem propel the action, reveal aspects of the character, or provoke a decision (E08.A-K.1.1.3)

10 4/4/16 (DAY 5); 4/5/16 (DAY 6)  You may work on your common assessment as soon as you receive your paper.  When you are finished, you should READ.  First section due: 4/8 (odd) and 4/11 (even)  HLL: Please share your project ideas with me if you have not done so already. Objectives:  To demonstrate understanding of connections within, between, or among texts (E08.A-C.3.1)  To analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story drama, or poem propel the action, reveal aspects of the character, or provoke a decision (E08.A-K.1.1.3)

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