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BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL KINETICS. where j is the stoichiometric coefficient with minus sign for reactants and plus sign for products.

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2 where j is the stoichiometric coefficient with minus sign for reactants and plus sign for products

3 k is the kinetic rate constant (always lower case) a, b, … are not necessarily the stoichiometric coefficients are not necessarily integers The reaction order is the sum of the exponents of concentration factors in an experimental rate law a + b +….. The reaction order is an experimental result

4 The reaction is first-order with respect to [BrO 4 - ] and [Br - ] and second order with respect to [H + ]. Overall, the reaction is fourth order

5 Molecularity : number of molecules that react in a single step (elementary step or elementary reaction). For an elementary reaction reaction order = molecularity but this is not true for reactions occurringin many steps. A bimolecular elementary reactions has second order kinetics, but a reaction showing second order kinetics may be complex

6 Zero order reaction First order reaction Second order reaction

7 Determination of order of reaction b) The differential method: the velocity is measured at various values of the reactant concentration. a) The method of integration: the concentration of a reactant or product is determined at various times

8 Method of integration First-order reactions


10 The half-time (or half-life), t 1/2 For a first order reaction t 1/2 is independent of [A] 0


12 Use of physical properties in kinetic studies The rate of a reaction can be determined by removing samples at various times, quenching the reaction, and then carrying out a chemical analysis. The method is quite tedious and instrumental determinations have supplanted direct analysis. Lambert-Beer law Consider a property which is linearly related to concentration, as the absorbance or optical density,D

13 For first-order kinetics The value of D at the start of the reaction The value of D at the end of the reaction

14 For any general reaction, which proceeds to completion, the concentration of A, the limiting reagent at any time t is given by

15 Second-order reactions

16 or

17 If the reaction is studied by UV-vis spectroscopy We can substitute whitin We need to know [A] 0 to calculate k

18 Method of flooding or pseudo-order reactions

19 In general

20 Zero-order reactions A reaction rate cannot be independent of the concentration of all the species involved, but can be independent of the concentration of one reagent. If this species is used in deficiency, the reaction results to be pseudo zero-order




24 Differential methods (or initial rate) method) The initial rates (i.e. the slope of the concentration-time curves) are measured are measured at various initial concentrations

25 The slope of the double-logarithmic plot is the order with respect to the substance whose concentration is being varied

26 Reversible reactions At equilibrium




30 The influence of temperature on rate constants Reaction rates are profoundly influenced by temperature Temperature must always be controlled in kinetic studies Rates of many reactions approximately double for each 10 °C rise in temperature

31 2 ln RT H dT Kd r   Arrhenius developed his theory by comparing kinetic observations with the known properties of equilibrium constants van’t Hoff equation


33 Arrhenius equation (empirical) E a activation energy


35 Transition-state theory(Eyring, 1935)

36 A bimolecular reaction can be represented Where X ‡ is the activated complex, which corresponds to the configuration of the system in the state of maximum energy (the transition state). The activated complex must be distinguished from an intermediate, which represents a minimum on the reaction profile.


38 Equazione di Eyring The concentration of X ‡ is assumed to be in equilibrium with those of the reagents From quantum-mechanical considerations

39 Remembering that at p = constant ln(k/T) 1/T


41 Consecutive reactions

42 Steady-state approximation

43 Consecutive reactions with elements of reversibility


45 Step 1 is rate-determining Step 2 is rate-determining

46 Pre-equilibria

47 If kinetics are first-order with respect to [B] If kinetics are zero-order with respect to [B]

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