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B.M.F.S. Crawfish Material List Hen hackle large Hooks (your choice) Lead eyes Sheet foam (your choice) Dubbing (your choice)

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Presentation on theme: "B.M.F.S. Crawfish Material List Hen hackle large Hooks (your choice) Lead eyes Sheet foam (your choice) Dubbing (your choice)"— Presentation transcript:

1 B.M.F.S. Crawfish Material List Hen hackle large Hooks (your choice) Lead eyes Sheet foam (your choice) Dubbing (your choice)

2 Cut a strip of foam 1/8-1/4”, trim end to a point and place on hook.

3 Tie in hen hackle at bend of hook

4 Add lead eye near eye of hook

5 Add dubbing back to hen hackle tie in point making it thicker at that point for thorax

6 Cut a piece of hen hackle to make claws

7 Invert hook and tie in near hook point

8 Pull foam over and tie down

9 Move thread to halfway to leadeye and tie down foam

10 Move foam to eye and tie down foam again

11 Move thread to behind hook eye and tie foam again

12 With bodkin poke a hole in foam and insert eye of hook folding foam down. Cut foam and tie off fly

13 Reverse fly again and brush out dubbing to form legs

14 Finished fly ! Go fish !

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