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Elitist theory of democracy. According to Vilfredo Pareto “The governing elite is that small number of individuals who have succeeded and who exercise.

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Presentation on theme: "Elitist theory of democracy. According to Vilfredo Pareto “The governing elite is that small number of individuals who have succeeded and who exercise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elitist theory of democracy

2 According to Vilfredo Pareto “The governing elite is that small number of individuals who have succeeded and who exercise ruling functions politically and socially.” “In every society,there is a class of people who have the highest insight in their branch of activity and to that class,can be given the name of elite.”

3 Supporters of this theory Vilfredo Pareto G.Mosca Robert Michels C.Wright Mills Harold Lasswell

4 Characteristics of political elites Small in number Organised Open entry Monopoly over political power Open competition among different elite classes Conscious of their interests Absence of absolutism

5 Main features of elitist theory Inevitability of political elites in every society In every society there are two classes Iron law of oligarchy Democratic method of appointing and dismissing of the policy makers Plurality of elites Leadership is necessary for democracy

6 Government of the people and by the people is a mere myth. In democracy,elections are election of elites. Non-participation of people in policy making. Circulation of elites. Faith in the government by experts and not by the people. No special importance is given to ideology.

7 Criticism Main critics:- Duncan Bottomore Walker Pateman Bay and Macpherson

8 Lack of faith in common man. It is a conservative theory. Elites cannot make equilibrium in the society. This theory is silent about democratic society. This theory gives no importance ideology.

9 This theory gives no importance to individual. Leaders are given undue importance. This theory does not give due importance to public opinion. This theory is against the principal of social and political equality. What should be basis of political elite? Theory to protect the interests of capitalists.

10 Presented by :- Ruchika Joshi Assistant professor P.G.G.C.G.-42, Chandigarh.


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