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Recommended Criteria for Determining Which Projects Require Environmental Assessments (EAs) Chatham County Environmental Review Board (ERB) 20 August 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Recommended Criteria for Determining Which Projects Require Environmental Assessments (EAs) Chatham County Environmental Review Board (ERB) 20 August 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommended Criteria for Determining Which Projects Require Environmental Assessments (EAs) Chatham County Environmental Review Board (ERB) 20 August 2007

2 ERB Members Allison Weakley (Chair) – Biologist Elaine Chiosso (Vice-Chair) – Exec. Director, Haw River Assembly Michael Dunn (Secretary) – Educator and Naturalist, NC Museum of Natural Sciences John Alderman - Aquatic Biologist Tara Allden - Soil Scientist / Attorney Connie Allred – Biologist Raj Butalia - GIS analyst / Environmental Scientist Dr Hal House - Environmental Scientist Dr Sonny Keisler – Political Scientist / Developer Dr Steve Wing - Environmental Epidemiologist

3 What is an Environmental Assessment (EA)? Document that analyzes a proposed action for significant environmental impacts Decision-making tool The EA process is used to help –identify potential impacts from a proposed project –design projects with less environmental impact –avoid or mitigate impacts

4 Role of ERB in the EA Process Identify projects which need an EA using threshold criteria Provide peer review of EAs for consideration of the BoC

5 Development activities covered by EA threshold criteria Commercial and industrial projects within zoned portions of the County (i.e., subject to Zoning Ordinance) Subdivision projects anywhere in the County (subject to Subdivision Ordinance)

6 Why use Threshold Criteria? To provide a clear understanding of when an EA is required To provide a uniform ‘screening’ tool

7 Threshold Criteria as a ‘Screening Tool’ Many of the criteria can be displayed on a map using electronic data Much of this electronic information is readily accessible to county staff, developers, and citizens

8 Our recommendations are based on … Current Chatham County Subdivision and Zoning regulations Collective knowledge of and research by ERB members Public input (citizens, development community) County staff input (Erosion Control and Planning) State agency staff input –Soil and Water Conservation District –NC Natural Heritage Program –NC Wildlife Resources Commission State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) guidelines Orange County Environmental Impact Ordinance (EIO)

9 State statute allows County to require EAs Pursuant to Chapter 113-A of the NC General Statutes, the County may “require submission of a detailed environmental assessment for any proposed development of two acres or more.”

10 Current Chatham County Subdivision and Zoning regulations An environmental assessment shall address the following areas: a. The environmental impact of the proposed action; b. Any significant adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented; c. Mitigation measures proposed to minimize the impact; d. Alternatives to the proposed action; e. The relationship between the short-term uses of the environment involved in the proposed action and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity; and f. Any irreversible and irretrievable environmental changes which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented.

11 An Environmental Assessment (EA) should be required for projects that meet one or more of the following criteria: Qualifies as a Major Subdivision as defined in the Chatham County Subdivision Ordinance Major Subdivision -- subdivisions of six (6) or more lots, or any size subdivision requiring any new street, or extension, or the creation of any public improvements (Chatham Co. Subdivision Regulations, pg.12).

12 Exemptions Minor subdivisions – –not more than five (5) lots fronting on an existing public street, –not involving any new streets or road, –no extension or the creation of any public improvements Non-subdivision projects involving 2 acres or less These projects are exempt UNLESS they have one or more of the following criteria.

13 For projects that involve… Hazardous or toxic waste –Generation or production –Treatment, storage or disposal

14 For projects that… Require various State or Federal environmental permits For example : Mining Wastewater 404/401 (impacts to streams and wetlands) Require an EA or EIS at the federal or state level

15 For projects that are located within… Critical areas for water supplies River corridors Both of which are currently defined in existing Chatham County regulations Jordan Lake Haw River Rocky River

16 For projects that contain or are adjacent to… Significant Natural Heritage Areas (SNHAs) Dicentra cucullaria By D. Bevins

17 For projects that lie within… Subwatersheds that support aquatic species that are Federally listed or listed as Federal Species of Concern.

18 For projects that contain… Natural heritage element occurrences (NHEOs) –Examples: Rare species High quality plant communities Special wildlife habitats (e.g., wading bird rookeries)

19 For projects that contain… Significant cultural and/or historical sites –historic structures –archaeological sites –cemeteries –Etc.

20 For projects that disturb… Slopes 15% or greater OR Slopes less than 15% but that have highly erodible soils (as determined by County soils data)

21 Issues identified since recommendations were submitted include: May be cumbersome to determine if criteria are met May have impact on small scale developer Some criteria may cover a large portion of the County

22 How do you know if your project meets any of the EA Threshold Criteria? Maps and available data are used to determine if EA threshold criteria apply Electronic information for criteria will be made readily available to staff, developers and citizens

23 Reducing impact on small scale developers Currently, distinction in our recommendations are based on Subdivision Ordinance: –Major subdivision (>6 lots with road and extension of County services) –Minor subdivision (<6 lots with no road or extension of County services)

24 Sliding Scale Alternative Instead of Major/Minor Subdivision threshold, criterion could be based on # lots/acres If below # lots/acres, EA could still be necessary if other criteria are met Information could be required for any criteria met, regardless of whether a full EA is required.

25 For example: For Major Subdivisions of 25 units or less, and for all minor subdivisions… An EA is required only if other threshold criteria are met. If another criterion is met, more information can be required (regardless of whether a full EA is needed).

26 Another alternative: Slopes and Soils Criterion could be revised to include those projects that disturb –Slopes greater than or equal to 15 % OR –Slopes between 6% and 15% and a soil RUSLE K factor greater than 0.4 (a soil erodibility factor available from County soils data). Only those disturbed are included in this criterion



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