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Goals for this meeting Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa Isola d’Elba XIII General Meeting June 1, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals for this meeting Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa Isola d’Elba XIII General Meeting June 1, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals for this meeting Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa Isola d’Elba XIII General Meeting June 1, 2009

2 MOU Mou’s ready and approved by Giunta of INFN with : SLAC In2p3 BINP

3 People The convention between INFN and IN2P3 for making possible hiring people by LAL that can work in the italian Labs for SuperB: Detector Accelerator Computing Has been approved by Giunta of INFN and will become active at the end of June.

4 After Annecy Collaboration in a good shape…

5 After Annecy

6 Progress A part from progress on political side in the approval process: SuperB first as flagship in the approved National Plan of Research. SuperB as part of the Italy-Russia agreement: ( Italian participation to Ignitor for nuclear fusion in Russia and reciprocal Russian participation to the SuperB in Italy). Positive signals expect funding in very near future.

7 Progress in the White Papers White papers are almost ready. Detector Accelerator CDR update Physics white paper is ready.

8 Progress in the White Papers White papers are almost ready. Detector Accelerator CDR update Physics white paper is ready. BUT improvements in Accelerator in detect and in physics understanding doesn’t stop.

9 Good News On accelerator: Sometimes it will fit in my garden! Pantaleo is continuing the optimization of the machine. The length is decreasing more and more. GOOD! is continuing the optimization of the machine.

10 Good News On detector: Better understanding of background. Layer 0 of SVT moving bact to striplets.

11 Good News On Physics: White paper is ready. But ! Understanding of sensitivities doesn’t end

12 Example …… Better understanding of polarization contribution in background reduction for  →  channel, using the  → h  tag. Remember the Valencia plot? BUT improvements in Accelerator in detect and in physics understanding doesn’t stop.

13 Example using the correct generator with polarized beam Rho tag Pion tag Muon tag

14 Goals In the past month I have circulated to the coordinators of Detecto, Accelerator, Computing and to the Project Board an hypothesis of funding almost flat and strting with 20M Euros in 2010. The table that I have circulated is not pessimistic. By the end of this meeting we expect a preliminary exercise to be refined in the near future on how we can deal with this profile for the construction of accelerator, detector and computing. We keep in mind that inside the INFN framework we can dilute some spending, but not too much!! We expect the funding very soon!

15 Goals day after approval Decide site! Technical and political decision, Site should be technically acceptable: Geological structure of ground, logistic (power, cooling, roads...), space and legal limitation to tunnelling and to the maximum volume of civil contructions, environmental impact. Procedure to arrive “soon” to freeze the foot print of the machine. Startup of procedure for shipping BABAR and part of PEPII components to Italy. Start procurement for those parts of Utilities and detector that are not controversial. NO RELAX ! We have a narrow window for the success and we need a very aggressive path!

16 We already spent a lot of energy so far. I acknowledge the sincere effort and dedication of all of you.

17 We will need more from all of us from now on.

18 END

19 Rho tag

20 Pion tag Signal Background

21 Pion tag

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