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Citizen engagement to build community resilience to disasters Dr Judith Burnside-Lawry

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1 Citizen engagement to build community resilience to disasters Dr Judith Burnside-Lawry 1

2 SUMMARY of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters (HFA)

3 Citizen engagement in decision-making: belief in transformative potential of citizen participation in governance essential in seeking solutions to major problems, including issues of sustainable development deliberative democracy – ‘decision-making based on public deliberation among free and equal citizens’ Bohman, 1998:400. 3 Citizen engagement research Photos courtesy of Amadora Campaign, Portugal

4 Challenges: Monitor implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) at local level Monitor the impact of HFA at local level Enhance collaboration between citizens and local government for effective disaster risk reduction Shift the focus of Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready to more implementation support, city-to-city learning and cooperation, local action planning and monitoring of progress in cities. 4 Citizen engagement research

5 Aim of this research: support efforts to report on implementation of HFA Provide case studies of collaboration between citizen groups & local governments (city-to-city learning) identify characteristics of citizen and volunteer engagement that complement national & international work led by UNISDR develop a resource to support community and volunteer participation 5 Citizen engagement research

6 Case study examines: Global, regional, national, state laws or agreements to : – build community resilience to disasters – engage citizens in DRR policy development and/or strategic planning Social, cultural, political influences that impact efforts to: – engage citizens in DRR policy development and/or strategic planning Dialogue, listening & voice between citizens & local government officials Impact on social capital – ‘features of social organization such as networks, norms, and social trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit ’ Putnam, 1995: 67. 6 Citizen engagement research

7 7 Ancona pop:101,210 Landslide Amadora pop:175,135 Earthquake Flood Land Slide Amadora Lisbon ITALYPORTUGAL

8 1. Interviews Local government representatives Civil protection services Geographic information department Community Committee Business sector Local community representatives 8 Citizen engagement research 3. Document Analysis Communications Plan Local Adaptation Plan Area maps 2. Observation Data Collection Methods Ancona Landslide site, Italy

9 VULNERABILITIES PORT / INDUSTRIAL AREA LANDSLIDES API OIL REFINERY AIRPORT LANDSLIDE AREA ROAD + RAILWAY Area interested: northern slope of Montagnolo from 170 m approximately until the sea Extension Extension  220 hectares (approximately 11% of the urban area of Ancona’s city) Maximum depth of the mass involved from the landslide: Maximum depth of the mass involved from the landslide: 100 meters

10 10 Living with Landslides Initial Findings Reciprocal relationship. “Not a relationship based on superiority but friendship… a continuous exchange of ideas and interests for improving the system itself” Trust “Because it is a relationship built on trust” “A relationship built on cooperation”

11 11 Northern aspect Eastern aspect Southern aspect Governance “We need to start with a law…those who make the laws need to understand that passing a law that introduces the concept of living with disaster where possible can save money and save lives” Living with Landslides

12 Culture of volunteerism “The city of Ancona alone contributes first aid and civil protection with about 300-350 volunteers. “If you talk about community it’s important to understand that the community of civil protection is actually all over Italy” ‘Engage with citizen volunteer groups as a catalyst for lasting change’ Tjandradewi, B. I. (2013) Towards a post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction online dialogue “We have always supported other communities. This is an Italian idea, really Italians are moved by their hearts and feelings to help on the frontlines”

13 Early Warning System Democratic participation “The people have provided the stimulus for solving this problem … the city has understood the problem and given us the possibility to construct the early warning system” Transformative potential “All of Ancona is very aware of these geological problems. They are all little geologists”

14 Living with Landslides Philosophy “The advice I would give to other cities is to start to think in a new way, with a new philosophy that is perhaps one of the solutions to many problems” “this is the logical way to best approach a new philosophy that allows people to live where disasters take place”

15 . Democratic Participation the people have provided the stimulus for solving this problem and the city has finally reciprocated, has understood the problem and has given us the possibility to construct the early warning system. Not a relationship based on superiority but friendship so that we can have a continuous exchange of ideas and interests for improving the system itself reciprocal relationship. Transformative Potential all of Ancona is very aware of these geological problems. They are all little geologists. Trust Because it is a relationship built on trust. it is a relationship built on cooperation. Governance So we need to start with a law, in parliament those who make the laws need to understand that passing a law that introduces the concept of living with disaster where possible we can save money and save lives. It’s a work in progress. P hilosophy So the advice I would give to other cities is to start to think in a new way, with a new philosophy that is perhaps one of the solutions to many problems this is the logical way to best approach a new philosophy that allows people to live where disasters take place.

16 Citizen engagement research Bohman, J. (1998), ‘The coming age of deliberative democracy’, Journal of Political Philosophy, (6), 4: 400-425. Putnam, Robert D. 1995. “Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital.” Journal of Democracy (6): 65-78.

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