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September 20051© GEFEG – - Context Inspired Component Architecture Creating ASC X12 CICA Constructs with the CICA Editor.

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Presentation on theme: "September 20051© GEFEG – - Context Inspired Component Architecture Creating ASC X12 CICA Constructs with the CICA Editor."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 20051© GEFEG – - Context Inspired Component Architecture Creating ASC X12 CICA Constructs with the CICA Editor ®

2 September 20052© GEFEG – - What is CICA Neutral Building Blocks

3 September 20053© GEFEG – - GEFEG Data Modeling Concepts CICA defines the methodology for creating the data model that consists of: Class Diagrams that define a document interface or data interchange. Variants: Composition relationship vs. attributes Use of 'abstract' types Hierarchy versus 'network’

4 September 20054© GEFEG – - What does the CICA Editor offer ? Create Company specific documentation using your own terminology with easy to understand graphics Data modeling, Development of XML Schemas, and Company specific Documentation in one Software Package Develop CICA constructs in syntax neutral models for business documents Click on picture to enlarge

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