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Sensemanaging: A Journey to Understand What I Do Gina Hinrichs, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensemanaging: A Journey to Understand What I Do Gina Hinrichs, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensemanaging: A Journey to Understand What I Do Gina Hinrichs, Ph.D.

2 Purpose Awareness of Existing Theory and New Theory Awareness of Existing Theory and New Theory Sharing of Practical Application Sharing of Practical Application Continuing the sensemaking (conversation) Continuing the sensemaking (conversation)

3 Why does Sensemanaging matter? Increasing Complexity Increasing Complexity Need for Resiliency Need for Resiliency Need for Innovation Need for Innovation

4 Working Definitions: Sensemaking :“Sensemaking involves people focusing on events and features of their surroundings in an attempt to rearrange and construct. People attempt to create orderliness from chaos. In doing so, they create their own constraints. People make a perception of a situation real by speaking and acting in ways that make it real” (Weick, 1979). Mindfulness: “ Mindfulness is leverage in managing the unexpected by accessing expectation and categories. By reworking their categories, refining them, differentiating them, updating them and replacing them, noticing more and catching unexpected events earlier in their development is mindfulness and the key capability. to managing the unexpected (Weick, 2001) Constructive Accountability : An ongoing process of relating that contributes to a mutuality of sensemaking and its outcomes, bringing a heightened willingness to be collaboratively contributive and responsible in the workplace. Sensemanaging : Sensemanaging is defined as the capability of a leader to, through communication process skills in a participatory environment, enhance the organization's ability to make sense of what is viewed as usual, unusual, novel, and/or unexpected events. Sensemanaging : Sensemanaging is defined as the capability of a leader to, through communication process skills in a participatory environment, enhance the organization's ability to make sense of what is viewed as usual, unusual, novel, and/or unexpected events.

5 Sensemanaging ~ Facilitation +

6 A Model – Vu Ja De Sensemaking is a process of dealing with the unexpected and uncertainty. When there is mindfulness and collaborative accountability, members can interpret and attribute meaning “correctly” and the collective response is appropriate. Sensemaking Mindfulness Constructive Accountability

7 Dialogue Discussion Inquiry Collective Action Knowledge Constructive Accountability Mindfulness Resources: Data Information Personal Mastery Sensemaking => Sensemanaging Advocacy Sensemaking Enactment

8 Performance Behavior Shared Language Sense- making Mindfulness Shared Meaning Shared Understanding Role : -Sensemanage self-Sensemanage groups -Sensemanage an organization -Sets the context/problem-Disrupts assumptions-Facilitates making meaning -Provides resources -Provides safety-Provides incentives -Enhances contribution. Sensemanaging = Manager + Leader

9 Sensemanaging: Practical Applications @ Levels Organizational Level Organizational Level Strategic Planning – JD, banking, healthcare, education Strategic Planning – JD, banking, healthcare, education Global Job Evaluation – John Deere Global Job Evaluation – John Deere Group Level – Project Work Group Level – Project Work Process Improvement – Schneider Process Improvement – Schneider Social Profit management team Social Profit management team Individual Level – Self & Coaching Individual Level – Self & Coaching You, as the instrument You, as the instrument JD, Healthcare, Education JD, Healthcare, Education

10 Strategic Planning Process Copyright Hinrichs Consulting, L.L.C, 2002 Continuous Improvement Technologies Sensemaking SOAR Analysis Assumptions Strategic Alignment What’s going on here? Where do we want to be? Vital Few Objectives Planning How will we get there? Strategies Initiatives & Accountabilities Doing Who must do what by when? Delegated Objectives Delegated Programs / Projects Checking How are we doing? Reviews Sensemaking SOAR Analysis Assumptions Strategic Alignment What’s going on here? Where do we want to be? Vital Few Objectives Planning How will we get there? Strategies Initiatives & Accountabilities Doing Who must do what by when? Delegated Objectives Delegated Programs / Projects Checking How are we doing? Reviews Sensemaking SOAR Analysis Assumptions Strategic Alignment What’s going on here? Sensemaking SOAR Analysis Assumptions Strategic Alignment Strategic Alignment What’s going on here? Where do we want to be? Vital Few Objectives Where do we want to be? Vital Few Objectives Planning How will we get there? Strategies Initiatives & Accountabilities Planning How will we get there? Strategies Initiatives & Accountabilities Doing Who must do what by when? Delegated Objectives Delegated Programs / Projects Doing Who must do what by when? Delegated Objectives Delegated Programs / Projects Checking How are we doing? Reviews Deciding Mission Critical Success Factors Deciding Mission Critical Success Factors Deciding Mission Critical Success Factors Deciding Mission Critical Success Factors

11 Sensemaking Knowledge Creation Capacity Building Personal Mastery Curiosity Action Orientation Interpersonal Relations Capability Expertise Resources Information Subjective/Objective Conception Collective Involvement Process Awareness Noticing Reflection Reporting Action (Enacting) Improvisation Specificity Involvement Wisdom Connection Relationship Responsibility Sense-seeking Inquiry Advocacy Collective Competence Strengths Motivation Resilience Collective Wisdom Character Competence Understanding Deciding Expanded View Mindfulness Constructive Accountability

12 Conclusion Despite strong theoretical foundation, Sensemaking and derivative theories (Sensemanaging, Constructive Accountability) are only beginning to be established in practical application. Due to increasingly complex environments, organizations need competency in the application of the above theories for resiliency (improvisation).

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