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Strategy Doing: Designing & Achieving Measurable Strategic Outcomes with Action-Oriented Collaboration University of Florida Gainesville, FL – September.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy Doing: Designing & Achieving Measurable Strategic Outcomes with Action-Oriented Collaboration University of Florida Gainesville, FL – September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy Doing: Designing & Achieving Measurable Strategic Outcomes with Action-Oriented Collaboration University of Florida Gainesville, FL – September 24, 2014 Copyright 2014 – Ed Morrison & Scott Hutcheson This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.

2 Better understand he nature of collaboration Identify what stage your collaborations are in Consider ways to move a collaborations to the next level The Great and the Near Great in the White River Country by Z. M. Horton The Baxter Bulletin Dec 31, 1915 S. J. Hutcheson, a well known farmer and stockman of Norfork, roping a calf


4 White River Ferry at Norfork, Arkansas, circa 1900


6 Better understand he nature of collaboration Identify what stage your collaborations are in Consider ways to move a collaborations to the next level Norfork, Arkansas (pop. 550)

7 Our communities, big and small, are dealing with complex PUBLIC ISSUES

8 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

9 Better understand he nature of collaboration Identify what stage your collaborations are in Consider ways to move a collaborations to the next level Research Question Why are some strategies for addressing community issues successful and others…not so much?

10 Answering the Question A grounded theory exploration using a sequential mixed method approach beginning with a qualitative phase in which semi- structured interviews resulting were conducted with a purposively sampled panel of experts resulting in data that was open coded using the data spiral analysis method followed by a quasi-experimental quantitative phase in which two contrasted groups of purposefully sampled, randomly assigned participants were surveyed, resulting in data that was analyzed using Spearman’s rho to determine correlation coefficients. 1.Literature review 2.Interviews 3.Surveys

11 Better understand he nature of collaboration Identify what stage your collaborations are in Consider ways to move a collaborations to the next level Problem Statement Literature gap regarding factors contributing to effective strategy in the context of community issues like economic development (Kwon, Berry, & Feiock, 2009). Civic leaders face daunting tasks of developing and implementing strategies to address these community issues (Markey, 2010). Very little research-based information to guide decisions about effective strategy-development processes.

12 Evolution of community issues Institutionalization Locus of control Increasing complexity Tools for managing community issues Early tools Evolving tools Emerging tools Contributing theories Strategy formation Collaborative governance Social innovation Insights from the Literature Conducted as part of the grounded theory data collection process (McGhee, Marland, and Atkinson, 2007). Conducted to provide contextualization (Dunne, 2011) and orientation to the phenomenon (Pozzebon, Petrini, de Mellow, and Garreau, 2011).

13 Better understand he nature of collaboration Identify what stage your collaborations are in Consider ways to move a collaborations to the next level Evolution of How We Deal with Public Issues Institutionalization Pre-institutional (Pre- WW2) Institutional (1950-1990) Multi-Institutional (1990 to today) Locus of Control Control in the hands of the “elite” (Perrucci & Pilisuk, 1970). Most economic & community development issues are “Type 3 Public Problems” and control is shared by a group of “nonexperts” (Heifitz and Sinder, 1988).

14 Hierarchy of Complex Systems Social Organizations – economics, education, politics Individual Human – language capacity, knowledge accumulation, design and use of tools Animal – mobility, information processing Plants – viability Open Systems – matter, energy Cybernetics – computers Clockworks – engines Frameworks – buildings, cells 14 Complexity Boulding, K. (1956). General systems theory—the skeleton of science. Management Science 2(3): 197-208.

15 The Extension Economist Vs. The Rocket Scientist 15

16 Hierarchy of Complex Systems Social Organizations – economics, education, politics Individual Human – language capacity, knowledge accumulation, design and use of tools Animal – mobility, information processing Plants – viability Open Systems – matter, energy Cybernetics – computers Clockworks – engines Frameworks – buildings, cells 16 Complexity Boulding, K. (1956). General systems theory—the skeleton of science. Management Science 2(3): 197-208.

17 Hierarchy of Complex Systems Social Organizations – economics, education, politics Individual Human – language capacity, knowledge accumulation, design and use of tools Animal – mobility, information processing Plants – viability Open Systems – matter, energy Cybernetics – computers Clockworks – engines Frameworks – buildings, cells 17 Complexity Boulding, K. (1956). General systems theory—the skeleton of science. Management Science 2(3): 197-208.

18 Hierarchy of Complex Systems Social Organizations – economics, education, politics Individual Human – language capacity, knowledge accumulation, design and use of tools Animal – mobility, information processing Plants – viability Open Systems – matter, energy Cybernetics – computers Clockworks – engines Frameworks – buildings, cells 18 Complexity Boulding, K. (1956). General systems theory—the skeleton of science. Management Science 2(3): 197-208.

19 Dealing with the Complexity 19 Early Models 1960s in universities, schools, municipalities (Hamilton, 2007) Late 1980s/Early 1990s first economic development strategic plans (Blackerby & Blackerby, 1995) Borrowed from industry models (Blair,2004) Evolving Models Recognition that corporate models are less effective (Bryson and Roering, 1987). U.S. Economic Development Administration’s CEDS; Cooperative Extension Service’s Take Charge (Hein, Cole, & Ayres, 1990); Asset-Based Community Development, (Kretzmann and McKnight, 1996; Community Capitals, Flora, 1992) Emerging Models Effectiveness of strategic planning in business questioned (Mintzberg, 1994). Effectiveness of strategic planning in economic & community development questioned ( Blair, 2004; Robichau, 2010; Morrison, 2012) Organic Strategic Planning (McNamara, 2010, Open Source Economic Development (Merkel, 2010), Strategic Doing (Hutcheson, 2008; Hutcheson & Morrison, 2012; Walzer & Cordes, 2012)

20 Better understand he nature of collaboration Identify what stage your collaborations are in Consider ways to move a collaborations to the next level Complexity = Messes

21 Contributing Theories Social Innovation Strategy Formation Collaborative Governance 21

22 Social Innovation Social innovations… are best designed and implemented in networks emerge from heterogeneousness (diversity) are framed using existing assets are products of co-creation are the result of collective action should have decentralized implementation,when implemented should focus on tangible results Bland, Bruk, Kim, and Lee (2010); Bouchard (2012); Mulgan, Ali, Tucker and Sanders (2007); Neumeier (2012); Oliveira and Breda-Vazquez (2012)

23 Strategy Formation Strategies… are formed intuitively are iterative must be designed to account for unanticipated variables must take into account contextual values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations must be flexible should be designed collaboratively and best developed as an intra-organizational activity Feser, 2012; Johanson, 2009; Lindblom, 1959; Mintzberg, 1978; Parnell, 2008; Rindova, Dalpiaz, and Ravasi, 2011; Sminia, 2012; Tapinos, Dyson, and Meadows, 2011

24 Collaborative Governance Collaborative governance… takes advantage of network structures connects existing assets focuses first on small wins Requires decision making to be made by consensus works when there is trust among participants is efficient involves successful management of both internal and external stakeholders Ansell and Gash, 2008; Chiclana et al., 2013; Clarke, Huxley, Mountford, 2010; Emerson, Nabatchi, and Balogh, 2012; Gibson, 2011; Johnston, Hicks, Nan, and Auer, 2011; Kwon, Berry, and Feiock, 2009; Merkle, 2010; Olberding, 2009; Ospina and Saz-Carranza, 2010; Pammer, 1998; Poister, 2010

25 Better understand he nature of collaboration Identify what stage your collaborations are in Consider ways to move a collaborations to the next level These Things Matter Organizational Structure (hierarchy, network, etc.) Framework (asset-based, deficit- based) Processes (planning and Implementation separate and distinct, planning and implementation integrated and iterative, etc.) Timeframe (focused on longer-term goals, focused on shorter-term goals, etc.) Implementation (tasks centralized with one organization, tasked disseminated among multiple organizations)

26 Insights from the Panel of Experts The Quantitative Data Population of scholars and practitioners who design curricula, teach, and/or practice strategy development for addressing public issues (economic development, community development, community health, etc.) Sample: N=12 Semi-structured interviews (IRB-approved, anonymity) Verbatim transcripts, data spiral analysis with three levels of coding: open, axial, selective using qualitative analysis software 56 single-spaced pages/over 31,000 words of data

27 Findings from the Interviews 27 1.Network organization structures 2.Asset-based Frameworks 3.Iterative planning/implementation process 4.Inclusion of shorter-term goals 5.Decentralized implementation 6.Metrics to learn what is working 7.High levels of trust among participants 8.Readiness for change in community

28 Variables 28 1.Network organization structures 2.Asset-based Frameworks 3.Iterative planning/implementation process 4.Inclusion of shorter-term goals 5.Decentralized implementation 6.Metrics to learn what is working 7.High levels of trust among participants 8.Readiness for change in community Independent Variables Dependent Variable = Effectiveness

29 Effectiveness For the effective strategy initiative you have in mind, how would you describe its level of effectiveness: Completely effective Significantly effective Somewhat effective Ineffectiveness For the ineffective strategy initiative you have in mind, how would you describe its level of ineffectiveness: Somewhat ineffective Significantly ineffective Completely ineffective Organizational Structure, etc. Measuring the Variables Hierarchical, with a clear top and bottom Network, with a hub and spokes

30 Insights from Participants The Qualitative Data Population of individuals who have participated in community-based strategy initiatives to address public issues (economic development, community development, community health, etc.) Sample of 300 (plus those reached by use of snowball sample) participants were randomly selected from PCRD contact database (N=209). Assured that Indiana was not over represented IRB-approved survey constructed using the factors identified in phase 1, participants randomly assigned to two contrasting groups

31 Findings from the Surveys 31 Source: Scott Hutcheson, Distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License. Effective & Ineffective Strategy Initiatives – Mean Responses

32 Completely Effective Completely Ineffective Significantly Effective Somewhat Effective Somewhat Ineffective Significantly Ineffective Findings from the Survey Effectiveness Continuum Dependent Variables Correlation

33 Findings from the Surveys 33 Source: Scott Hutcheson, Distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License. Correlation Between Strategy Initiative Effectiveness and the Eight Independent Variables

34 Recipe for EFFECTIVE Strategies Have a network organizational structure Frame strategies primarily around building on existing assets Have a planning and implementation processes that is iterative Include short-term, easy-win goals Decentralize responsibilities for implementation among multiple organization Use metrics to learn what is working and to make adjustments along the way Build high levels of trust among participants Assure that participants are ready to change

35 Recipe for INEFFECTIVE Strategies Have a hierarchical organizational structure Frame strategies primarily around addressing problems or deficits Have a planning and implementation process that is linear and sequential Include only long-term, transformational goals Centralized responsibilities for implementation with one organization Uses metrics primarily for accountability Proceed even though there are low levels of trust among participants Proceed although participants are not ready for change

36 Frame Strategies Around Assets




40 Network-Based Organizational Structures 10 nodes, 9 connections 10 nodes, 45 connections

41 William Fox 20 th Century Fox 41

42 42

43 43

44 20 th Century Fox 44 Made by 20 th Century Fox… Made by 20 th Century Fox

45 45 Made by 20 th Century Fox… & 130 other companies Made by 20 th Century Fox

46 iPhone

47 Iterative with Shorter-Term Goals Dr. Lowell Catlett Economist, Futurist, and Professor New Mexico State University

48 Iterative with Shorter-Term Goals One study looked at 7,000 different economic predictions and found 47% of them was correct.

49 Iterative with Shorter-Term Goals Flip a coin and you beat the economists by 3%.

50 Iterative with Shorter-Term Goals Doubt and dwindling motivation comes on quickly when a big goal is missed. On the other hand, small wins lead to the progress principle - more confidence, high performance, and motivation to keep moving forward. - Teresa Amabile

51 Collaboration & Trust Turf Trust TIME Sharing Resources Sharing Information Mutual Awareness Co-Execution Co-Creation Acknowledgment Exploration CooperationCollaborationInnovation Adapted from Collaboration Continuum from ACT for Youth

52 Improving Our Practice

53 Strategic Doing enables people to form action- oriented collaborations quickly, move them toward measurable outcomes, and make adjustments along the way.


55 Strategy Answers Two Basic Questions

56 Strategic Doing Divides the Two Basic Questions into Four Appreciative Questions 56

57 Strategic Doing Moves from the Linear to the Agile

58 Strategic Doing Is Iterative & Ongoing

59 Practicing Strategic Doing 59












71 To know what you you’re going to draw, you have to begin drawing. - Pablo Picasso

72 Scott Hutcheson, Ph.D. 765-479-7704 For More Information & to Connect Copyright 2014 – Ed Morrison & Scott Hutcheson This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Slides available Copyright 2014 – Ed Morrison & Scott Hutcheson This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.

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