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2012-2015 Work Plan Work Plan Management (Document 21)

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1 2012-2015 Work Plan Work Plan Management (Document 21)

2 Task Leadership and Coordination Each Task implemented by a Task Team Task Team mainly supported by Leads and overall Task Coordinator Task Team has direct responsibility (best effort) for management, execution, and cross- coordination of Task Components Participation in Task Team fully open & inclusive

3 Task Leadership and Coordination Committee activities translated to Tasks Committee members join Task Teams Data Sharing Task Force evolve into new body

4 Task Leadership and Coordination Coordination within Tasks jointly ensured by Task Teams, CoPs, and GEO Secretariat Coordination across Tasks mainly ensured by Implementation Boards and GEO Secretariat Coordination efforts supported by annual events e.g. GEO Work Plan Symposium and Forum

5 Implementation Details In Task Sheets (under development) Will be available through online Work Plan Information Management System Will include details such as expected achievements by 2015, milestones, issues and gaps, gap analysis activities, key users, and information relevant to decision-making

6 Work Plan Management As emphasized by GEO community (see comments, Work Plan Symposium), any future management approach should: Maximize the likelihood of GEO achieving Strategic Targets by monitoring progress towards these Targets, enabling effective coordination and cross-fertilization of activities Remain simple and avoid creating sub-groups and/or multiple layers of coordination

7 1 Implementation Board for Infrastructure 1 Implementation Board for Institutions and Development 1 Implementation Board for Information for Societal Benefits Work Plan Management

8 Existing GEO Committees disbanded from 31 December 2011 Role of Committees transferred to Task Teams and Implementation Boards Corresponding updates to GEO Rules of Procedure submitted to GEO-VIII for adoption Work Plan Management

9 Implementation Boards Terms of Reference

10 Boards Terms of Reference Objectives Monitor progress towards achieving the 2015 GEOSS Strategic Targets Annually assess Strategic Targets completion progress and provide analytical review of Task performance against Targets Identify issues, gaps, and Target objectives that require additional support from the GEO community Design and conduct actions for addressing issues and gaps

11 Boards Terms of Reference Objectives Actively coordinate activities across Tasks within a specific part of the Work Plan (e.g. Infrastructure), while also establishing cross- cutting links to the other parts Advise on Task implementation; provide guidance on issues of technical and non-technical nature (e.g. resources; delivery on commitments of Members and Participating Organizations)

12 Implementation Boards Initial Membership Geographic balance Developed-developing country balance

13 Implementation Boards Transition Schedule



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