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Presentation Skill -k|:t'tLs/0f zLk _ - Bharat Thapa NASC.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Skill -k|:t'tLs/0f zLk _ - Bharat Thapa NASC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Skill -k|:t'tLs/0f zLk _ - Bharat Thapa NASC

2 - Zig Zigler “ A famous Public Speaker ” “ If I missed all my skills and I have been asked to choose only one skill to have; I would choose Public Speaking. Because by having it, I would regain all other skills or at least; I would influence people to support me”

3 “ Your personal success is likey to be determined not by what you know but By how well you communicate what you know“ ( Lisbeth Weiss) “ Sometimes ‘How’ you say is more important than ‘what’ you say “ 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 3




7 7 “The fear of public speaking is the No.1 rated fear in America” 2 nd : Heights 3 rd : insects, Bugs 4 th : Financial difficultie s 5 th : Deep water ( Source: Managing Presentation Written by Savita Bhan Wakhlu}

8 Interesting Presentation 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 8

9 The Power of a Poor Presentation

10 If your mission is to wake up your audience And make them happy……

11 You have to know The ingredients for a good Presentation (and a few rules too) Ingredients: 1.Motivation (20%) 2. Your Key Idea (80%)

12 Rule #1 Ask yourself; why should they care your Presentation ?

13 Rule #2 Is there something new for them ? (not what they already know)

14 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 14 Prepare your Presentation in a Logical Sequence Rule #3

15 Rule # 4 Be Concise & Be Direct

16 Rule # 5 Use Examples

17 Rule # 6 Detailed Outlines are a Waste of Time

18 Rule # 7 If possible; make your Presentation interactive

19 Rule # 8 Omit Technical Details

20 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 20 Rule # 9 Be enthusiastic

21 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 21 Rule # 10 Do not apologize

22 7/2/201622 Rule #11 Think; Fear is norma l

23 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 23 Rule # 12 Be Seen and Heard

24 Rule #13 Questions are good

25 Rule #14 Know your supporting materials (PPT, Keynote, Handouts etc.)

26 Rule #15 Never ever run over time

27 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 27 3 Vs impact 1.Verbal – 7% ( Words, Contents, Materials, Language used) 2. Vocal – 38% (Voice, Confidence in voice, Pace, enthusiasm) 3. Visual – 55% (Facial expression, Gesture, Posture, Eye contact )

28 How Much Does This Count? = 100% Verbal: What You Say: ___ _% Vocal: How You Say It : _____% Visual: How You Look and Act: _____% Visual Aids Reinforce the Message!! 7 38 55

29 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 29 If you are preparing (Planning) for a Presentation, consider the following points:  Who are your audience ?  What do you want to deliver (contents)?  Why do you want to present (purpose)?  Where will you be presenting (place)?  When will you be presenting (Situation)  How long (available time) ?

30 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 30 Tell them what do you want to tell them Outline of your Presentation Tell them what you have told them Concluding Tell them Delivery

31 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 31 PracticeMakes Perfect Perfect Finally,

32 Any Questions ?

33 7/2/2016 © 2006 Michael zur Muehlen. All Rights Reserved. 33 Now…

34 - Bharat Thapa Senior Director of Studies Nepal Administrative Staff College (Mobile: 98510-96440)

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