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1 Routing in Internet vs. Sensor Network. 2 Sensor Network Routing –I Location/Geographic Based Routing Tian He Some materials are adapted from I. Stojmenovic.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Routing in Internet vs. Sensor Network. 2 Sensor Network Routing –I Location/Geographic Based Routing Tian He Some materials are adapted from I. Stojmenovic."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Routing in Internet vs. Sensor Network

2 2 Sensor Network Routing –I Location/Geographic Based Routing Tian He Some materials are adapted from I. Stojmenovic and A. Arora

3 3 Taxonomy Sensor Network Protocols Geo-Routing LAR, GPSR, GEDIR Network Encoding VGR, LCR, BVR, GEM Data Centric DDSPT, AODV, DSR ID-Based Decouple information from nodes ID. Care only about the source of the data, instead which node creates the data Skip TodayNext LectureLast Lecture

4 4 Motivation: Location-based Routing In sensor networks, data is primarily characterized by its geographic location and/or its data content. NOT Which the id of the node that generates the data

5 5 Discussion Benefits of Geographic Routing ScalabilityProtocol Cost

6 6 B. Karp and H. T. Kung Mobicom 2000 GPSR: Greedy perimeter stateless routing for wireless networks Young-Jin Kim, Ramesh Govindan, Brad Karp and Scott Shenker NSDI 2005 Geographic Routing Made Practical Two papers

7 7 Variation of geographic forwarding policy A B C D E F S 1.MFR: Choose closest projection on SD; 2.Greedy: Choose the closest node; 3.Random progress (Nelson, Kleinrock); 4.NFP- nearest forward progress (Hou, Li); A’ F’ AD < FD F A A,C,F C

8 8 Information needed for geo-routing A node knows about three types of locations Its own location: GPS, localization methods Its neighbors’ locations Beaconing: broadcast, Piggybacking and overhearing in promiscuous The destination locations Application specify Location Directory Services

9 9 Greedy Forwarding [Finn 1987] The next hop from a node is the neighbor that is geographically closest to the packet's destination. S D Closest to D R

10 10 Algorithm: Greedy Forwarding Problem!!

11 11 Right Hand Rule When arriving at a node x from node y, the next edge traversed is the next one sequentially counterclockwise about x from edge (x,y)

12 12 Face Traversal X D F1F1 F2F2 F3F3 F4F4 Walking sequence: F 1 -> F 2 -> F 3 -> F 4 Two primitives: (1) the right-hand rule (2) face-changes Perimeter (Face) traversal on a planar graph

13 13 Quiz Identify the GPSR Routing from s to t s t 2 3 4 5 6 9 7 10 11 19 16 20 17 21 1 8 22 23 14 24 15 18 13 12 Suppose |6t| < |2t|< |11t|, |9t| < |4t| < |14t| and |10t| < |5t|< |19t|

14 14 Answer Planar Travesal

15 15 st Answer

16 16 st Answer

17 17 st Answer

18 18 st Answer

19 19 st Answer

20 20 st Answer

21 21 st Answer

22 22 Answer Identify the GPSR Route from s to t s t 2 3 4 5 6 9 7 10 11 19 16 20 17 21 1 8 22 23 14 24 15 18 13 12 S  1  5  1  6  2  3  9  3  4  t

23 23 Planarized Graphs Problem with Non-Planarized Graph 1 2 3 4 5 S-1-2-4-1-2-4- ….. 1 2 3 4 5 S-1-2-1-4-3-D

24 24 Planarized Graphs The Relative Neighborhood Graph (RNG) and Gabriel Graph (GG) are two planar graphs long- known in varied disciplines. Removing edges from the graph to reduce it to the RNG or GG must not disconnect the graph; this would amount to partitioning the network.

25 25 Relative Neighborhood Graph (RNG) Given a collection of vertices with known positions, the RNG isdefined as follows: An edge (u,v) exists between vertices u and v if the distance between them, d(u,v), is less than or equal to the distance between every other vertex w, and whichever of u and v is farther from w. In equational form:

26 26 Gabriel Graph (GG) The GG is defined as follows: An edge (u,v) exists between vertices u and v if no other vertex w is present within the circle whose diameter is (u,v). In equational form:

27 27

28 28 Summary GPSR = Greedy Forwarding + Face Change + Planarized Graph

29 29 B. Karp and H. T. Kung Mobicom 2000 GPSR: Greedy perimeter stateless routing for wireless networks Young-Jin Kim, Ramesh Govindan, Brad Karp and Scott Shenker NSDI 2005 Geographic Routing Made Practical Two papers

30 30 Geographic Routing Made Practical GPSR assumes: 1) Symmetric link/ Unit Disk Graph 2) Accurate localization Research Question How well do planarization techniques work in real- world?

31 31 GPSR in network test-beds Wireless Network Graph GG sub-graph  A test-bed deployed in UC Berkeley Soda Hall 50 MICA2dot, 433MHz radio, 5.2 average node density Cross-link Disconnected Unidirectional  68.2% routing success among node pairs  What’s happening?

32 32 Mutual Witness Key idea Remove a link only if both ends of the link see a mutual witness: can eliminate unidirectional links, disconnections Raises success rate to 87% But, mutual witness introduces other failure modes converts unidirectional/disconnected links into cross links leaves cross links in a sub-graph

33 33 Basic Idea Each node probes its links to determine crossed links using right hand rule A S B C p[“crossings of (S, A)?”] p[“(B, C) crosses (S, A)!”] p[“crossings of (S, A)?”] p[“(B, C) crosses (S, A)!”] CLDP (Cross-Link Detection Protocol)

34 34 Summary Practical GPSR = Greedy Forwarding + Face Change + Planarized Graph with CLDP

35 35 Location-based/Geometric/Geographic routing G. G. Finn (1987) GFGreedy forwarding with limited flooding Kleinrock et al.MFRGeometric Routing proposed Kranakis, Singh, UrrutiaFace RoutingFirst correct algorithm Bose, Morin, Stojmenovic, Urrutia GFGFirst average-case efficient algorithm (simulation but no proof) Karp, KungGPSRA new name for GFG Kuhn, Wattenhofer, Zollinger GOAFRWorst-case optimal and average-case efficient, percolation theory A little bit history

36 36 Other variation of Geo-based Routing SPEED: Real-time routing that maintains a delivery speed.

37 37 Other variation of Geo-based Routing Energy-Efficient Forwarding Strategies for Geographic Routing in Lossy Wireless Sensor Networks S D Closest to D, but with very low quality R Optimal metrics: product of the packet reception rate (PRR) and the distance traversed towards destination

38 38 Thanks

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