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MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE. What is management of change? Management of change means how the managers of an organisation manage the change brought about by.

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2 What is management of change? Management of change means how the managers of an organisation manage the change brought about by new ICT systems.

3 Topic objectives Candidates should be aware of the effects upon; the skills required and not required organisational structure work patterns internal procedures the workforce (fears introduced by of change)

4 Past Paper Question Describe, using examples, two things that management could do to lessen any fears that the staff might have about the introduction of a new ICT system.[4]

5 The skills required and not required New ICT systems need new skills and staff must be prepared to learn them Old skills may not be needed, so they may need to go on courses to ensure they don’t become unemployable New ICT systems usually lead to an increase in skilled jobs, sometimes at the expense of less skilled jobs Old JobNew Job TypistMost people now create their own documents on word processors Filing ClerkData is now stored on computers Internal post clerkMost people now use email

6 Changes to Organisational structure New technologies often make certain levels of management or manual work redundant. e.g. introducing scanning technology may reduce the need for data entry clerks. Staff will be required to do a greater variety of tasks. An experienced worker may have someone younger above them.

7 Change in Work patterns changes to the pattern of the day e.g. batch processing might mean payroll / ICT staff may have to do night shift Hot Desking Teleworking Videoconferencing

8 Internal procedures Some tasks would be automated making jobs easier Some jobs may increase in difficulty because they may be expected to improve productivity and perform tasks more quickly Workers may have to complete a wider variety of tasks A code of conduct may be introduced with regards to a new ICT system

9 The workforce (fears introduced by of change) When an organisation restructures the workforce will have certain worries. Will they lose their job? Will they have to learn new skills to do their existing job? Will they have to move to a new job within the organisation? Will they take a pay cut? Will they have to change their work pattern, hours of work etc? Will the location change? Will they lose their current status? i.e. Losing managing role Fear of looking silly i.e. elderly colleague vs young colleague

10 Successful change management involves Step 1Research Step 2Design Step 3Cost benefit Analysis/ Forecast models Step 4 Consultation Step 5 Implementation Step 6 Monitor and Evaluate

11 Alternative Questions Describe how the following cause change for the employee. Work patterns [2] Internal Procedures [2]

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