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EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 EMODnet Biology Work Package 2 Mark Costello & Dan Lear

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1 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 EMODnet Biology Work Package 2 Mark Costello & Dan Lear

2 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 WP2: Identification and collection of species, species attributes and species indicator information Partners MBA | University Auckland (representing WoRMS) | IFREMER ICES | SAHFOS | GBIF | MARUM | VLIZ

3 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 Task 2.1: Identification of species and species attributes information Lead: Marine Biological Association (MBA, UK) + IFREMER, ICES, SAHFOS Deliverables D2.1 List of species tagged with role and importance within MSFD reporting and the linked descriptor for inclusion in ERMS/WoRMS (M6). D2.2.EU-wide assessment of those species and communities identified by national MSFD leads as required for MSFD monitoring and reporting (M18). WP2 - Tasks

4 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 Task 2.2: Collection of species attributes information Lead: University of Auckland (representing WoRMS) + MARUM, GBIF, MBA, VLIZ Deliverables D2.3: Organization of a data attributes workshop to discuss a standardized vocabulary and prioritize the biological attribute and trait information, in collaboration with WoRMS taxonomic editors (M6). D2.4: Publication of proposed standardized species attributes vocabulary (M24). D2.5: Selected European marine species tagged with relevant species attributes information and available through WoRMS and on the EMODnet biological portal (M36). WP2 - Tasks

5 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013

6 Task 2.1: Identification of species and species attributes information This task will identify 1)the species and communities (habitats as described by the EUNIS classification - which are protected by EU Directives and international conventions, and those to be used as indicators of relevant MSFD descriptors, 2)biological data types of particular relevance for MSFD through collaboration with national MSFD implementation teams, 3)suitable MSFD datasets in close collaboration with the Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange established under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy

7 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 Task 2.1: Identification of species and species attributes information 1)the species and communities (habitats as described by the EUNIS classification - which are protected by EU Directives and international conventions, and those to be used as indicators of relevant MSFD descriptors, Questions to answer? What Directives and Conventions? EU - MSFD, WFD, Bathing Waters, Habitats, Shellfish Waters International - CBD What are the national implementations? (UKBAP)

8 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 Berne Convention CITES EC Habitats Directive Wildlife and Countryside Act Northern Ireland Legislation and Policy Documents UK Biodiversity Action Plan Species OSPAR Priority List Nationally Rare or Scarce species

9 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 Task 2.1: Identification of species and species attributes information 1)the species and communities (habitats as described by the EUNIS classification - which are protected by EU Directives and international conventions, and those to be used as indicators of relevant MSFD descriptors, Questions to answer? What MSFD Descriptors? Descriptor 1: Biological diversity Descriptor 2: Non-indigenous species Descriptor 3: Population of commercial fish / shell fish Descriptor 4: Elements of marine food webs Descriptor 5: Eutrophication Descriptor 6: Sea floor integrity Descriptor 7: Alteration of hydrographical conditions Descriptor 8: Contaminants Descriptor 9: Contaminants in fish and seafood for human consumption Descriptor 10: Marine litter Descriptor 11: Introduction of energy, including underwater noise



12 2008202020102012201420152016 Directive transposed in UK on 15 th July Initial assessment of UK seas GES determined, including targets and indicators Monitoring programmes established Programmes of measures implemented GES achieved for UK seas UK MSFD Timetable

13 Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment in the North-East Atlantic 1992 (OSPAR)- Intersessional Correspondence Group on Coordination of Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring (ICG-COBAM) Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment in the Baltic Sea Area 1992 the Helsinki Convention (HELCOM), Convention for the Protection of Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean 1995 the Barcelona Convention (BARCOM), Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea 1992 – the Bucharest Convention OSPAR Region IVIIIII PRIORITY Lead country MSFD subregion and countries Explanation / title Bay of Biscay and Iberian coast PT ES FR Celtic Seas IE UK FR Greater North Sea including outside EU UK FR BE NL DE DK SE NO D1 Mammals 3 Abundance of grey and harbour seal at haul-out sites & within breeding colonies XUK D1 Fish Ceph 2 OSPAR EcoQO for proportion of large fish (LFI) XUK D1 Fish Ceph 8 Distributional pattern within range of a suite of selected species D1/6 BentHab2Multi-metric indices FR

14 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 Task 2.1: Identification of species and species attributes information 2)biological data types of particular relevance for MSFD through collaboration with national MSFD implementation teams, Liaison with National Teams, ICG-COBAM/ICG-MSFD & relevant bodies for other Regional Seas 3)suitable MSFD datasets in close collaboration with the Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange established under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy WG-DIKE ICES EurOBIS GBIF Feeds into Work Package 5 – Creation of Gridded Abundance Data Products

15 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 Task 2.2: Collection of species attributes information

16 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 WP2 – Broad Deadlines Next 6 months D2.1 List of species tagged with role and importance within MSFD reporting and the linked descriptor for inclusion in ERMS/WoRMS D2.3: Organization of a data attributes workshop to discuss a standardized vocabulary and prioritize the biological attribute and trait information, in collaboration with WoRMS taxonomic editors

17 EMODnet Biology Kick-off Meeting – VLIZ, Oostende 11-12 September 2013 Image courtesy of Science Thank you

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