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FDR & Eleanor Take the White House- 1932 Inaugurated in March 1933 FDR- distant cousin of Teddy Roosevelt Eleanor was especially active in child welfare,

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Presentation on theme: "FDR & Eleanor Take the White House- 1932 Inaugurated in March 1933 FDR- distant cousin of Teddy Roosevelt Eleanor was especially active in child welfare,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FDR & Eleanor Take the White House- 1932 Inaugurated in March 1933 FDR- distant cousin of Teddy Roosevelt Eleanor was especially active in child welfare, housing reform, and equal rights for women and minorities

2 Brian Trust FDR assembled his advisors A select group of professors, lawyers, and journalists He promised a “New Deal” for the American people

3 The First Hundred Days Lasted from March 9 to June 16, 1933 FDR delivered fireside chats- radio talks about issues of public concern This reassured the American people

4 The New Deal 1.) Bank Reforms 2.) Rural Assistance 3.) Job Creation

5 John Maynard Keynes Influential economist Promoted the idea of deficit spending to stimulate the economy The government should spend large amounts of money to get the economy growing.

6 Conservative Opposition The courts began to strike down some government programs as unconstitutional Roosevelt tried to “pack the courts” Over the next 4 years, FDR appointed 7 new justices

7 Three Fiery Critics By 1934, opponents formed the American Liberty League They were concerned with violations of individuals and property Father Charles Coughlin

8 Dr. Francis Townsend- Wanted a pension plan for the elderly Huey Long- wanted the presidency; assassinated by a lone gunman

9 Classwork p. 494 Main Idea #2- TAKING NOTES

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